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200k this Sat

I'm riding the 200k this Sat.

I plan to ride at a relatively easy pace and just enjoy the day, I'm guessing ~13 mph given the heat, distance, and course profile.

Any takers? I had recruited a couple of people but they bailed on me at the last minute.

2010-06-16 11:51:49

I'll be there. Figure I'll stay out for Flock of Cycles, run around for a couple of hours afterwards servicing the bike, then get up at jeez o'clock in the morning to ride to the start.

2010-06-16 12:07:23

Wish I could make it. Will try to get on one later in the summer.

2010-06-16 12:41:07

@quizbot: The 300K and 400K will be good tough brevets (both involve Kentuck Knob and Mt Davis, and the 400 has a really sweet gravel climb up through the wind farm outside Meyersdale); the back-to-back Pittsburgh-Erie-Pittsburgh 200Ks are relative mellow, and the Fall Rally 200K is about as flat and easy as you're likely to see around here.

2010-06-16 13:10:07

Don't forget to stay up drinking the night after, then wake up at the asscrack of dawn to ride another ~100k.

2010-06-16 13:41:26

@joe: good idea. Wouldn't want to go without a short recovery ride to shake out the toxins.

Wanna come?

2010-06-16 13:52:43

I was going to see if you wanted to go for a run off the bike with me Dan, but I guess you'll be out drinking. :)

2010-06-16 14:02:27

Run. You mean, with my feet? Ewwww.

(Actually, we should do that sometime. I used to hate running, but it's been many years since I tried.)

2010-06-16 14:05:24

It's best when you run on post-ride spaghetti legs. But you'll be done, fed, showered, and perhaps drunk (!) by the time I finish the 200k and put on my running shoes.

2010-06-16 14:11:08

Um, I'm going to pass. Sorry.

2010-06-16 14:49:56

I'm signed up. Forecast calls for mostly sunny, high of 88, 60% humidity. Figuring 8-10 hours.

2010-06-16 18:23:49

Schweet. Weather sounds great, so I'm going to accept your forecast and not look again.

Couple of notes on the route:

--There are a few services in Perryopolis, slightly off-route, if you need to replenish supplies. Drug store in town center, Subway and convenience stores a bit down 51 past the turn on Independence.

--Amelios Hill Rd, a few miles before the turnaround point in Connellsville, is the worst climb on the route. Close to Dirty Dozen caliber; like Ravine St, but not as long. Steepest near the top, where it Ts into Cemetery Rd.

--After the left onto Dickerson from Virgin Run, the right onto Lenkey is easy to miss, as it's a bit down a big descent. Lenkey is gravel in spots, so be cautious.

--Hope you like Sheetz.

I'm shooting for < 10 hours, but we'll see what happens.

2010-06-16 18:34:45

When you first told me about Amelios I had pictured something like Berryhill. Dickerson is nasty-hilly, esp fresh off of Amelios.

Not at all psyched for gravel. I bought some cleat protectors the other day in preparation for my march along Lenkey.

2010-06-16 18:50:53

Really considering this now. I'm not a WPW member, I just turn in the form with 17 bucks at the start and I'm good?

Just need to get my wheel sorted out by tomorrow evening now, otherwise I'll try next time.

2010-06-17 14:47:58

I'm not a WPW member, I just turn in the form with 17 bucks at the start and I'm good?

Yep, that should be about it. If you do intend to make it, dropping the RBA ( an email is appreciated. Not required, but appreciated.

2010-06-17 14:52:32

Update to start; apparently, Beaver Grade Rd is being closed for resurfacing this weekend, so the starting point has been moved up the trail a bit to the road-side parking lot by Wickes.

2010-06-18 12:38:10

Really wanted to do this but I'm going to have to try next time around.

2010-06-18 16:07:30

Is there an address for the new start point? Having no luck googling Wickes.

2010-06-18 16:14:18

Wickes is out, it's now a "Garden Ridge" store.

Here's what I come up with;

2000 Casteel Drive

Coraopolis, PA 15108

Google maps puts it a few hundred feet off, but close.

2010-06-18 16:26:01

The above address looks about right; parking for the trail is right on Montour Run Rd, in the gravel area.

It'll be before 6 AM, so I suspect there won't be too many cyclists about. :)

2010-06-18 17:11:11

I am really anxious about this ride for whatever reason.

2010-06-18 17:39:30

I am really anxious about this ride for whatever reason.

Did I mention the flocks of flesh-hungry cadaverous turkeys near Perryopolis? They generally attack from the depths of the ruined crypts on Cemetery Road.

Aside from them, you'll be fine.

2010-06-18 17:44:36

Luckily you'll be a couple of hours ahead of me so by the time I get there the turkeys will be fully satiated.

Honestly, I bought some Halt, and it was with turkeys in mind.

2010-06-18 17:48:25

Yum...I love peppered turkey.

2010-06-18 17:53:02


Is this new start location still right near the montour trail? I am planning to run off the bike so I was hoping to be able to throw on my shoes and go after my ride is over tomorrow.

2010-06-18 20:05:58

Yep. It's a parking area for the the intersection of Montour Run and, what, Scott Rd?

2010-06-18 20:25:48

Dan, saw you and two others headed westbound on 201 outside of Vanderbilt around one today.


2010-06-19 22:04:11

Ah, I wondered who was waving; the sweat in the eyes made details a little, well, undetailed.

That was me, Phil (don't think he's on the board), and 88MS88, on the return leg from Connellsville. I think I'd just hit the point of "oh crap, why did routing along 201 seem a good idea?"

'Twas great fun. Probably the toughest 200K I've done, at least with the combination of heat and terrain, but it went quite well, all things considered.

2010-06-19 22:59:51

Dan, there's no big hills???? Riiiiight. No turkeys, though.

We got caught in the t-storms 1.5 miles from the car. Serious wtf moment. But an adventure.

My first official brevet. I've done over 100 miles of riding, but it's way more fun when you get a little card signed a sheetz.

A+ ride. Also, Jim was awesome and rode with me and Jason the whole time. Good thing, since the cue sheet was a little screwed at the beginning and end of the ride, apparently -- the part I didn't dive, btw.

2010-06-20 00:04:17

201 out of Conneslville sucked a nut.

Oh, and forgot to add that post-ride Spak buffalo seitan hoagie rocked my socks.

2010-06-20 00:04:55

Actually, Phil and I scared the turkeys off the road on the outbound leg...two big fat tom turkeys on McChaim. They had reddened eyes, and I thought they were slightly foaming at the beak...

I agree re: 201. That 48 mph descent blew goats to have to climb.

2010-06-20 11:46:29

Great ride, as soon as I get the smell of roadkill out of my nostrils I'll start thinking about the next one.

PS This was my first time meeting Dan. For any of you who haven't had the pleasure, he's even cooler in person than online. It was a super kewl riding with you, you rock dude. Now go lube your chain! :-)

2010-06-20 17:31:42

Dan, when I passed you going 45 mph on the way into C'ville and you were on your way up it really took the wind out of my sails since I saw the harsh reality that lay before me. So thanks for the buzz kill.

Are you serious about the turkeys? Don't f with me about turkeys.

And I agree with 88MS88 re riding with Dan. I rode with Jim and he was excellent company too. I think Rando-peeps in general rock.

2010-06-20 22:56:10

Sarah: I'm serious about the turkeys. Except the foaming part. Saw 'em, and yelled something about "get outta here or I'll saw you in half with my big ring". They listened.

RE: coolness of me and randos in general. Thanks...I'm blushing. :-)

2010-06-21 02:36:52

seriously, anyone who can use the word "brevet" with a straight face must be cool...

j/k - I might give the fall rally a try, we'll see.

2010-06-21 02:41:16

300K JULY 10

2010-06-21 06:11:59

I am just as likely to do a ride called "endless mountains" as I am one called "ravenous turkeys".

I'd like to do the Erie-Pgh half of those 200ks but I think I am going to be on va-ca that weekend.

The fall rally 200k sounds great but it is the same day as a tri. So my brevet season appears to be over, sadly. :( Until next year.

2010-06-21 13:42:02