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advice: getting a bike rack installed in my apartment building

I live in a Walnut Capital building in Squirrel Hill, and it's got an enormous basement garage with concrete floors (so do some of the other nearby buildings). Would be a fairly simple thing to install a bike rack there, but I need to put together a good proposal before I approach management. This would be very nice, as I'm currently up to 4 bikes and it's starting to feel a little cramped in the apartment!

a) has anyone ever undertaken a project like this? doesn't matter if it was in a residential building or in an office.

b) anyone know of any resources I can use / organizations I can contact for help drafting a proposal? maybe some tried and true methods? I know that Transportation Alternatives in NYC will try to help people get bike racks into their workplaces, wondering if there's anything similar in the burgh.

c) anyone else live in a Walnut Capital unit and think having a bike rack would improve their quality of life / make them more likely to recommend the company? Doing something like collecting signatures certainly couldn't hurt my case.

2009-08-29 23:49:00

getting some of the residents to ask is a good approach. it's also good to know that the legislation that we're trying to pass next week will prevent this problem. they won't retroactively have to install racks, but had they build the building with the leg in place, it would have racks. you should look at the proposed legislation anyway, it has guidelines for apartment buildings that are 12 units + in it.

2009-08-30 19:49:21