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Airbag Helmet


I recommend forwarding the video to 3:30 (endo test) because somehow it's just funny to watch the dummy fall flat on its face.

2010-10-20 20:14:27

Cute.. though those accidents are all fairly low speed. Wonder how it would work when you're going much faster? If I am going to endo, it will probably be a lot faster than 10 mph.

Things I noticed.. it takes batteries, and has on and off switches. Typically my neck is not uhh, dry when I'm biking. This thing would be soaking wet by the time I got anywhere. Wonder how it works when soaking wet?

It weighs as much as 3-4 normal bike helmets, but maybe it would be more comfortable since it isn't on the top of your head?

It would probably be more stylish than a bike helmet if I was lady gaga or had some sort of euro chic fashion sense.

It costs $451...

Here is a google translate from the company that makes the thing:

2010-10-20 20:40:04

All this because someone is too precious to mess up his hair?

I can buy a 3-pack of combs for $0.79.

2010-10-20 20:51:01

I would totally wear this if I were biking to a Caroliner Rainbow concert.

2010-10-20 21:54:06

I think it's a cool concept, but it definitely needs polishing.

Did anyone notice the bike in the accidents?

2010-10-20 23:16:22

Yea, that fork was flexing a lot!

I think the helmet thing is a good idea, anything that will make people wear protective equipment is a good thing. I wonder if it could go off if you hit a big pot hole?

2010-10-20 23:38:31

My husband did one of those last crashes a few months ago. Nearly killed his bike (it's coming to you thick, just wait) It was alot funnier though because he (1) did not get very hurt and (2) supermaned over the handlebars. I can't help but love the way the dummy falls.

And if I ever (knock on wood) get hit by a car, I hope it's like the first one. I'd likely crack the windshield and then I could just roll off the hood, ninja style of course, and let em' have it. OR maybe I'd go right through and land in their lap!

I dig the concept, but it needs some work.

*disclaimer- I am not a ninja

2010-10-21 10:13:40

If it was shown to have a protective effect for adults in traffic, then it would be an excellent device - current helmets have not been shown to do that.

2010-10-21 15:31:01

Looks like it would be super comfortable in 90° weather.

2010-10-21 16:06:18

Hövding have apparently now got not only an English version of the website but also a professionally-produced documentary: The Invisible Bicycle Helmet

(Regarding the sweaty aspect--the collar has a cloth cover which is washable... or maybe Swedes just don't sweat when they ride.

Actually, it's apparently water-resistant:

How waterproof is Hövding?

Hövding can cope with being worn in the rain but you mustn't wash it or immerse it in water. The removable shells are washable. And the collar itself can be cleaned carefully with a damp cloth.

I'm guessing if it can be worn in the rain, it can deal with my rainy scalp.)

2012-08-14 18:22:05

Just hope you don't accidentally let it get turned around backwards when it goes off.

2012-08-14 19:45:54