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An open letter...

To the little person diving the large white Ford Excursion on Smallman St in the Strip District yesterday around 12:30pm. You hit me with the side mirror of your behemoth land yacht…I did not hit your SUV!

It appears you are a very angry individual. Maybe it’s because Santa didn’t bring you what you wanted for Christmas. Or maybe it’s because you’re a 30 something boy band wannabe with 2 earrings in each ear and a goofy bleach blond tips haircut. Hang in there that style may come back someday.

Anyway you jumped out of your truck with intensions of some sort of physical confrontation…your chihuahua mouth running about 90 miles an hour spewing profanity about how I cracked YOUR mirror and that you were going to kick my @ss???

But then I believe you had a moment of clarity…OBJECTS IN YOUR MIRROR ARE CLOSER (LARGER) THEN THEY APPEAR.

Being that I’m about 8 inches taller and at least 50/60 pounds heavier then you…and not to mention that after being hit by your SUV was quite agitated…I sat my bike down and using words you could understand in a manor you were accustomed explained that it was you that hit me!

Probably for the first time in your life you made a sensible decision by getting back in your SUV and ran away…I did not get your plate number but I do remember your SUV and your beady little face…

PS. Thanks for not asking if I was OK or offering to exchange information.

2010-12-27 17:07:58

I really dislike drivers lately.

I was walking to the store with my brother yesterday and I found myself saying things like "Don't run across the street so the impatient jerks with a red light can inch closer to the intersection, you have the right of way, walk slower, if anything," and "That car wasn't concerned with you, they were trying to turn illegally on red. They don't give a damn about letting you cross."

I asked, "When did I become so bitter?"

Then I read this, and feel that bitterness is somewhat justified.

2010-12-27 17:21:02

try crossing liberty at 29th st. the city stopped putting out the yeild placards on the double yellow because they kept getting run over. no light though. its not needed according to our esteemed city councilperson, tonya payne.

2010-12-27 17:27:03

That section of Liberty is crazy. How many terrible accidents have been on that stretch the last 2 years? I ride on the lesser of 2 evils and take Smallman…

2010-12-27 17:45:36

Helmet cams. Dammit, where's that lottery?

Hope you're OK, after all that! What on you and the bike got damaged?

2010-12-27 17:48:38

I take spring from 16th-32nd, then walk up liberty the rest of the way.

2010-12-27 17:49:08

Hee, hee. Sorry you got hit, but, I like your story. Dudes buy behemoth SUV's for a reason.

2010-12-27 17:52:16

I’m fine, thanks for asking...Only got a small rip in my winter coat and I made it to JoJoe’s before close for an omelet…I hope a side mirror for his SUV cost like $500

2010-12-27 18:14:16

Sorry this happened. Such an awesome story though.

2010-12-27 22:06:29

We need more "8 inches taller and at least 50/60 pounds heavier " cyclist out there. Glad you're only pissed and not hurt.

2010-12-27 22:55:05

Glad you're not hurt.

What kind of idiot thinks a cyclist would take the risk of riding into a moving vehicle in order to damage it?



2010-12-27 23:09:10

Glad you're okay, bro.

The only time I've been hit was a couple of years back, heading to work via Wexford in the early AM. Dude BROKE his mirror(the whole shebang, down to door frame) off on me and kept going. Mirror assembly ended up in trunk of police car, and I spent the next week riding around Cranberry looking for a shitbox with a missing passenger mirror.

I take malicious pleasure in the fact that he (or at least his car) came off worse than I did.

2010-12-28 17:16:40

I have to give a shout out to my winter coat…About 3 weeks ago someone gave me an ugly used 2XL Carhartt hoodie jacket. It’s very warm, big bulky, and tough as nails…I look like the Michelin Man wearing it…not the typical thing for ridding a bike but the big ugly coat took the brunt of the side mirror…

2010-12-28 17:55:36

reddan - cranberry is the devil. I have a friend who drives a HUGE truck (they use it to haul multiple horses around), and he got slammed from behind by a guy who "didn't see him" (he was stopped at a red light, other guy was going ~45-50mph). (he's fine, no horses involved)

Given the way people drive up there, your guy probably didn't even notice his mirror was missing. You'd have to actually look somewhere near the mirror to notice.

greasefoot, glad you're ok.

2010-12-28 18:09:42


What an odd video - if it were not for the fact that Hunt was found guilty, the broadcast gives the impression the bicyclist attacked him. Now, bikers with road rage are a possibilyt, for sure, but unless aussie courts are differnt from the US, the driver would never be found guilty unless there was clear evidence that the biker did NOT attack.

2011-01-05 18:24:00

It is both amusing and annoying how some of these patterns (like in Greasefoot's story) repeat themselves so perfectly. Love the terms AA and A**hat, but perhaps we can up with some good, creative nicknames for some of the key archetypes? Let's expand Pittsburghese for cyclists!

1) the enraged driver who pops out of their vehicle to threaten or inflict further violence

2) the person who passes too fast and too close, only to reach a stop sign or red light

3) the super nice driver who manages to pass with plenty of clearance or who surrenders their right of way just to be nice and because it only takes a second


4) The driver who "informs" the cyclist of traffic laws, except they pass along wrong information

2011-01-05 18:46:47

1. Jagoff

2. Mario AnJagoff

3. Human

4. Officer McJagoff

2011-01-05 19:12:07


2011-01-05 20:33:18

Mario AnJagoff passed me TWICE on Center Ave yesterday. If (s)he had done it a third time, would've been a Hat Trick.

2011-01-05 20:35:53

Wrong Mario. :)

2011-01-05 22:09:39

right, Andretti?

2011-01-05 23:15:38

I totally just imagined mario andretti doing a hat trick, like his car flying into a giant net. and the crowd goes wild.....

2011-01-06 23:54:01