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Another creep on the prowl - Melwood / Gold Way

This info was passed on to me from someone at the Polish Hill Civic Assoc.::: I'm posting it here because a lot of us bike through this area. WOnder if its the same pickup truck guy reported here last summer. (I know, there are a lot of white guys driving black pickup trucks out there...).....

Please be careful walking through Melwood / Gold way if you are alone. We have a report of a Caucasian (man) in a black pick up truck harassing our female residents. Please report any occurrences to the Police or the PHCA can turn in a silent complaint form if you wish to remain anonymous. We need to get info about this guy on record, he may be harassing people in other areas.

2012-03-06 18:54:08

There have been times when I've walked along that alley after the bars closed and hid in the bushes when a car drove by. Not a real sweet spot to make your stand against aggressors.

2012-03-06 20:16:38

Or make your stand against Mick hiding in the bushes.

2012-03-07 15:13:07

Maybe it's just Mick i'm the bushes if I passed him there it would be creepy

2012-03-07 15:24:48