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Anyone here do Triathalons?

Looking for some local guidance on getting into triathlons and was wondering if anyone on here participated in them. Mostly just looking for some links to local events, some training advice and some dieting tips. Any help would be appreciated.

2011-08-23 03:52:45

I haven't done one, but I want to do the Pittsburgh Triathlon next year. The link below is the registration page but has all the info you should need about the event.

2011-08-23 10:59:30

Do you have specific questions?

2011-08-23 13:15:45

I've done a small handful in the area. If I wanted to get started, I'd check this out on Oct. 2:

It's a mini triathlon at Slippery rock university. I think the reason this is good to start is that it's (1) cheap at $30. Triathlon registrations tend to run between $65 - $100+ plus a USAT membership. This gives you the experience to try one out without the financial investment, and (2) it's close. A lot of races are more than an hour drive.

Also, once there you can talk to people who've done a number of tris (yay networking). I believe they do another one like this in May too at Slippery Rock.

2011-08-23 13:49:37


What Dan said. Check out the PTC site. Come down to one of our open water swims and you'll meet tons of friendly triathletes. I'm the OWS coordinator. Make sure you check the site bc it's weather/water conditions permitting.

2011-08-23 15:48:24

"weather/water conditions permitting" means "floating poop count is sufficiently low", right?


2011-08-23 16:14:09

The ARC mini on Oct 2 would be a great start - they do Brian's ride there in the spring and it's a great little race and very beginner friendly.

2011-08-23 16:18:23

Dan, ssshhhh ix-nay on the oop-pay in the iver-ray.

To the OP: I have done quite a few tris, local and otherwise, and I'm always happy to talk shop. I assume you are thinking about next season since race season is winding down now.

2011-08-23 22:23:50

Yeah, my running is def. the weak link in my performance and my plan was to try and get in a solid winter of training so that come the season next year I would be ready to go. I signed up over at PTC and will keep an eye out for the OWS events. I grew up swimming but I havent swam for anythign more than rec. in years so I could use some pointers on my form.

The tri at Slippery rock doesn't seem unattainable so I might have to register for that one.

What are the people like at these events? Are there people there who do them purely for fun and don't go out to win or is everyone balls to the wall, so to speak?

2011-08-24 02:21:47

I don't know about the events themselves, but when I've swum with the the tri's they all seemed welcoming.

I am not athletic.

2011-08-24 02:29:42

Well, it's kind of like a group ride. There are a few very fast people at the front who take themselves/the sport very seriously -- some of these top athletes are very nice and will go out of their way to help you, and some are self-centered dicks. There are a bunch of people in the middle who are out for a personal best or an age group podium spot but who are still pretty laid back and will definitely chat you up in the transition area and be friendly during the race, particularly the run (and a few dicks in this category who haven't got the memo about not having a chance at a pro card). And there are people at the back of the pack who are just there for a good time.

2011-08-24 11:19:28

Also: the PTC has a calendar with races that members are attending plus there are lots of calendars on the interwebs. For example

2011-08-24 11:22:28

Sweet. I think if anything I might do the ARC mini-tri just to get my feet wet before I invest a winter of training only to realize I hate it after the first event, haha.

2011-08-24 11:28:41

Did a little bit of a "tri-out" tonight.

4 miles to the gym at an 18mph pace

20 laps in the pool (6 breast stroke/4 legs only/4 arms only/6 breast stroke)

3 miles on the treadmill at a 5.5 mph pace

6 miles ride home at 17mph pace

I thought that running would be my weak link but I really need to work on my swimming.

2011-08-25 03:45:31

What gym do you go to? You need to get your freestyle down.

2011-08-25 13:35:38

Urban Active in Bakery Square.

Edit: I'm an idiot I was doing freestyle not breaststroke.

2011-08-25 13:40:51

My husband works out there; I go to either JCC or Trees Pool. I'd be willing to swim with you sometime. Perhaps outside is our best bet (river). Except not today-- too many storms have blown through recently.

2011-08-25 14:03:10

That would be awesome. I think the biggest thing is getting my body and head in sync for breaths as well as working on pace. Both of which will come with more practice Im sure.

2011-08-25 23:52:12