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apparently abandoned bike etiquette

A somewhat beat up but possibly rideable bike as been laying on its side unlocked and untouched behind my office building for over two weeks now.

What is acceptable protocol here? A co-worker has suggested leaving a note for the owner saying that if not reclaimed by X date, I will ride it away or salvage it for parts. This seems a more considerate option than simply taking it, but I hate to provide a deadline that might never be seen by the owner. Either way, it's rusting up pretty quickly.

2011-04-28 13:03:01

I've done this, I've locked the bike, left a note and waited for about a week. I was pretty certain considering the condition of the bike it had been stolen and ditched, never got a call and after a week the seat was gone, I took it home fixed it and gave it away.

2011-04-28 13:26:11

If it's laying there unlocked it was probably dumped by a thief or the owner just abandoned it.

2011-04-28 13:29:08

I think Tim has the right approach, given that it has been out there for a while now.

2011-04-28 13:57:03

Tim's approach is pretty good. I would also drop a description on craigslist and here without providing some key details incase it was stolen. Have anyone who replies name the distinguishing features.

2011-04-28 14:56:11

You might be able to find a serial number under the bottom bracket and run it through a search engine.

2011-04-28 15:13:19

Thanks all for the advice.

Weird thing. I stepped outside to examine it earlier this morning. This was the first time I actually approached/handled the thing. A few hours later I revisit it to check the serial number and someone had moved it next to a nearby dumpster.

I feel like I'm being watched.

2011-04-28 15:46:15

This page suggests looking for the owner's ID by removing the seat post and turning the bike upside down.

2011-04-28 16:03:22

I feel like I'm being watched.

you are:

2011-04-28 18:13:37

I mis-read the title: Abandonment of etiquette? Wrong way riding? Blasting through pedestrians on teh sidewalk? Farting in trafic?


2011-04-28 18:19:21

if its sits out too long a scrapper will take it, a steel frames worth about thirty cents an aluminumn maybe three or four dollars

2011-04-28 18:24:52