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Bad cyclist behaviors - has anyone here been ticketed?

Calling myself out on this one. I ran a red light at ELB and Negley tonight... heard "whoop whoop whoop", thought for sure I was being pulled over for it, and started to prepare the "I'm not stopping in E. Liberty unless I have to" defense in my head. Was about to pull over when they gave 4 feet + and kept going (I was well lit up front & back).

Q: Has anyone here actually been stopped & ticked by a cop in the city for bending the law on your bicycle?

2012-03-24 01:24:29

To quote a statie friend of mine (who rides) "unless you have a severed head on your rack they shouldn't bother you."

I've been pulled over en masse in the Wabash Tunnels. I stayed way far back from the group so I didn't hear the talk with the cops.

I was pulled over in Louisville Ky for running a light but I don't think the cop could take the shame of running my driver's license number. He let me go.

Honestly outside of Mt Lebo (and once in Castle Shannon) I've never been pulled over in a car in the 10 years I've lived here. I usually get pulled over once a year for speeding elsewhere.

2012-03-24 01:32:21

I once got a stern talking to for riding in the bus lane on Smithfield St. Which explains my aversion to riding the bus lane on 5th ave from the Birmingham Bridge (among other factors there)

2012-03-24 01:58:22

I went through a red light at Forbes and Jumonville and few weeks ago. A motorcycle cop pulled up beside me and scolded me. Neither of us slowed down and then he sped off.

As Chris points out, I've never been stopped by a Pittsburgh cop when driving. I'm not a scofflaw in the car, but then I'm not super careful either.

2012-03-24 02:22:57

motorcycle cops used to fuck with bike messengers downtown all the time. i haven't had a single interaction with a cop on my bike since i stopped carrying other people's packages for fun and profit.

2012-03-24 02:42:52

I ran a red light once because I started to yield to a car that waved me on... in the moments of hesitation, the light changed and I ignorantly went right into traffic. Whoops. Lesson being, don't let one person waving you on (on bike or in car) give a false sense of security which gives you tunnel vision.

I've adopted this lesson to my driving and I no longer flash my head lights or wave people on, in most situations, since I'm not always aware of what else is happening around us; I try to give clear signals as to what I intend to do without being naive.

2012-03-24 03:00:15

Saw some poor guy get a ticket for not having a headlight at dusk going down forbes in front of the museum.

2012-03-24 04:15:26

Headlights are pretty important on cars and on bikes. I have been in situations where I have encountered cars and bikes without lights and had I not been as attentive, there may have been a collision.

2012-03-24 12:01:15

I once got a stern talking to for riding in the bus lane on Smithfield St. Which explains my aversion to riding the bus lane on 5th ave from the Birmingham Bridge (among other factors there)


2012-03-24 14:30:32

FWIW, Last night on a group ride I threatened to make a citizens arrest of two riding buddies who rode 29 through a 25 zone in the local county park on thier tandem. Never mind that the road we were on has been closed to vehicular traffic and is essentially dedicated to runners, walkers and bikers. I thought that was inconsequential. For some reason I can't understand, they just ignored me.

I think I was jealous. I have always had a bucket list wish of getting a speeding ticket while riding my bike.

2012-03-24 16:21:43

I've never been pulled over and ticketed but I've gotten a few stern looks and/or comments from cops. I can't remember exactly when or why. I was never a super-reckless rider, but I used to pull some dumber moves. I ride with much more care now.

The worst I have felt in front of an authority figure was a few years ago when I ran a red light in front of a crossing guard and got yelled at. I am 100% behind crossing guards and share their zeal for pedestrian safety. I'm extra careful around them now and I wave.

2012-03-24 17:25:18

The only time I’ve ever even come close to a ticket while ridding my bike was on Fifth in Oakland. A cop yelled at me for holding up traffic while taking the (right) lane during rush hour. He must have NOT seen all the traffic that was in fact holding ME up. Complete cop fail.

2012-03-24 17:31:31

I have never been puled over on a bicycle, but last fall, in Central Oakland, riding down Forbes going from the left lane to the right, a cop in the right lane yelled, "you can't ride in the middle lane!" out his window while driving in the right lane.

While pedaling with my right hand signalling that I was trying to get over I said, "I'm trying to get to the right lane, but you aren't letting me."

He quickly realized what was going on, quietly said, "oh." and sped up as I got behind him.

At the light at S Craig, he was still right in front of me. I got off my bike and walked the sidewalk to go to Kiva Han as I said told the cop to have a good day. He responded with a "you too" followed by a seemingly sincere "sorry about that back there".

As I wrote that, I just remembered that I got pulled over twice during the G-20 for not having blinking lights. Once on Forbes in Central Oakland and once on Centre by S. Millvale.

Both times I had multiple front and back lights and was hassled and lecture for a few minutes before they let me go. They told me they had been having problems with "kids on bikes" not having lights, which they claimed to be illegal.

I still don't fully understand what they were doing.

2012-03-24 19:37:54

thats easy nick. they were hassling you to see if they could get probable cause to arrest you for any number of more serious things, possession, drunk & disorderly, resisting, etc. S.O.P.

2012-03-24 19:42:14

yesterday i was riding from millvale home to lawrenceville and a cop told me i couldn't ride on the street. due to construction and heavy traffic, i was keeping the same speed as all the cars. but the officer felt the need to stop traffic and told me to pick up my bike, climb over a barrier, and walk directly into a construction zone. i didn't feel safe at all. i tried to explain to him that i was obeying all the laws and i just needed to get to the 40th street bridge, probably 1/20th of a mile from where he stopped me. it was pretty embarassing to have to climb over a barrier with my vehicle and explain to the construction workers why i was walking past their heavy machinery while it was being operated.

i've been riding in the city for a few years, but of course i get shit from an officer on my first day getting paid to deliver things with my bike.

2012-03-24 21:01:10

Shoulda gotten his badge number and reported him.

2012-03-24 22:37:36

2 tickets for running red lights downtown when i was a messenger in the early 90's. i deserved them as i was extremely reckless in my youth!

2012-03-25 16:34:52

Never on a bike, but I tend to be even more conservative cycling than driving.

once in a car: my car has running lights, and with the street lights in the city, and my nuptuals pending the next day, I forgot to turn on my car's lights going from dinner at mom's to dad's hotel (roughly 1 mile) - so from the rear it looked like my lights were off. of course, got pulled over for the first time ever in the city, once informed of my mistake I apologized, he ran my license, and said no worries, he'd let me off with a warning. I thanked him, and we then waited for about 40 minutes while he radioed another car, as he didn't have any "warnings" handy. Turns out a "Warning" comes on an official piece of paper. I didn't know that, but am glad he kept my license until he was done, as I would have accidentally driven off and potentially appeared like a jagoff. It was the weirdest encounter I'd ever had. He was super nice about it, I just 1) didn't know why I was stopped, then 2) didn't know what the consequences would be, then 3) didn't know what I should do (wondering for 40 minutes what was going on), then 4) didn't understand the piece of paper and finally 5) didn't know what he wanted me to do with the new piece of paper. Really confusing encounter, but I guess ended positively, I'm still not too sure.

2012-03-26 01:11:42

Walking my kid in a stroller down the sidewalk on ELB near Highland yesterday afternoon... dude on a bike riding up the sidewalk toward us. Thought about snapping a pic for this thread... was going to mention something to the guy along the lines of, "hey, there's a really awesome bike lane about 6 feet to your left, you should try it"... noticed the shoulder patches and uniform. It was a cop!

2012-03-26 02:54:21

I guess the cop could conceivably have some reason for riding on the sidewalk, but probably not... ugh.

That reminds me, I saw a bike cop almost get "left hooked" crossing ELB a couple weeks ago. He was riding on the sidewalk next to Penn towards 5th. His light turned green and he rode straight through the crosswalk - of course that also meant the left turn arrow turned green and the car turning on ELB started to go too. not very smart, lucky for him the car stopped. wonder if it was the same guy.

2012-03-26 03:59:23

I have ONLY seen bike cops on the sidewalk here, never in the street. Most recent sighting was two of them riding side-by-side at Forbes and Murray (and it was in the morning when there were a bajillion pedestrians dodging them on the sidewalk, too). Never mind, you know, those little bike pictures drawn in the road—what are those for, anyway?!? I mean, if they are directly addressing the nefarious activities of sidewalk users at the time, it makes sense, but otherwise it always strikes me as odd.

2012-03-26 04:50:00

The north side bike cops ride the sidewalk a lot. I nearly yelled at them to get off of the sidewalk as I saw them coming toward me on federal street the other week, then I realized they were cops.

2012-03-26 09:47:25

You have to try pretty hard, the only time i was pulled over was for inviting an undercover to fistfight (obvs didnt realize he was a cop)

They hate that. Jagoff shouldnt have passed within a foot for no reason. Unbelievable that i wasnt arrested, took some major brown-nosing

*also glad im not that aggro anymore

2012-03-26 16:12:01

I got a 380 dollar ticket outside of Portland

OR 10 years ago for rolling a red light.

I stayed an extra 2 weeks to fight it and won.

There is a cop in north park who routinely gives tickets

2012-03-26 20:48:37

Riding on the sidewalk downtown Pittsburgh 10 years ago.Was a messenger and 1 motorcycle cop hated me. I was riding on the sidewalk in front of the building I was about to enter. Ticket around $95. Did not pay it and word is they add a penalty to a unpaid ticket. The motorcycle cop wanted the serial number of my bike. All the while he was on his Harley on Grant Street with cars swerving around him.

2012-03-27 01:54:31

was the officer's last name proctor by any chance? that guy had a hard-on for fucking with messengers.

2012-03-27 02:51:36

Watch out next time the Democratic primary for mayor rolls around.

2012-03-27 14:40:37