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Baseball Biking Tour needs route to Philly

Hey, Darren is here in Pgh for a few days. He has covered 7200 miles on his bike and needs a route to Philly. He has been biking to all the major baseball stadiums in the US and is coming through town. Is there a posting for the CTC route?

2011-07-25 02:02:48

PA bicycle route S is the thing:

IIRC, Crush the Commonwealth took a detour through abondoned turnpike tunnels which greatly ease the path through the hills, but other than that they followed rotue S.

2011-07-25 02:32:51

@P-Rob: I've got an informal FAQ here, and there's a link to a course map somewhere in there.

2011-07-25 11:40:15

Darren is quite the adventurer. A route of sorts has been figured out. He wants to get out of traffic so he will head south on the GAP, get to the towpath, and then ride east from Williamsport, WV. There was a google route for bikes that ahs a great way to view terrain. It is a longer trip, but he will have a couple of days that are car free to "rest". Big miles are not a problem for him and he is able to take his sweet time getting to Philly.

2011-07-25 21:37:47

I like the FAQ. I think 2012 is the year for me to throw myself at that ride and see what happens.

2011-07-25 21:57:15