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being karate chopped by an exit gate

I guess I brought this one on myself, but I'm curious to know of any others of the same type.

Where I work (Ansaldo, a.k.a. Union Switch & Signal, on Technology Drive off 2d Ave) has a parking garage for its employees. Said garage has gates that go up and down to control who can park there. Getting in by car requires flashing your ID card. Getting in by bike involves wiggling past the gate, not particularly difficult.

It's the getting-out part that can be painful. Somehow there's a motion sensor. If in a car, it just goes up without having to flash an ID, and stays up long enough to get the car through. By bike, though, while it senses my presence well enough to raise the gate to allow me through, it came down prematurely, clobbering me on my helmet. The solution, obviously, is to wiggle out like I wiggled in -- once I knew to do that!

Anyone else have a similar tale, esp. if there are any out there that the general public would be wise to avoid?

2009-06-30 00:18:01

i've had a close call but it only takes one close call to learn, go around those things...

2009-06-30 13:25:25

Me too. Especially those ones that used to be near the jail trail entrance when cutting across the railroad tracks from Panther Hollow. They came down with authority... but now have been removed.

2009-06-30 13:33:24

i'd like to think there's a bored guard there that can control it, and spends his whole day karate chopping people

2009-06-30 13:54:20