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Bike abandoned outside of Voluto Coffee

I just stopped in Voluto the other day and they informed me that there is a bike that has been locked up to one of the racks for about 3 months. It's a black Spalding bike with a red fork and has "2012: Get rich or die Mayan" and Urban Velo stickers on it.

If you are the owner. Please remove it as it's taking up bike parking space for customers. If you know the person who owns this bike please let them know that the owners would greatly appreciate it if he picks it up. Thanks!

2011-05-22 13:57:19

I wondered about that bike.

2011-05-22 14:41:34

I always just assumed it was an employee's.

2011-05-22 15:04:21

Supposedly they guy found out that the call was out asking him to remove it. The internet works its wonders yet again.

2011-05-25 13:09:09

Speaking of abandoned bikes, there were two nice bikes locked outside of the closed dealership on Liberty that were recently parted out. Now it looks like the owner came back and took away the carcasses. They were there for a few months.

2011-05-25 13:46:45