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bike / bus / bike commute

i have a pair of ortlieb back roller panniers for back Rack and would like to be able to leave them packed on the bike during the bus ride. Does anyone leave them on bike while on bike rack ?
2013-11-27 17:49:35
I usually don't. My pannier can be removed rather easily, so for me it's safer and simpler to just remove it and carry it with me on the bus. I do a lot of bike-bus-bike trips. Another reason you might want to remove it before boarding is that they often tend to be bulky, and so would either/both block the driver's view of the street directly in front of the bus, and/or make it more difficult for another rider to mount a bike on the second rack, should that happen.
2013-11-27 19:02:33
yeah, I always take mine, for the reasons Stu said - plus I usually put my GPS and other valuables in there so I'd rather keep them with me. I almost always use a single pannier which makes thingd easier. I take it off the bike while I'm waiting for the bus.
2013-11-27 22:01:35
New to panniers . Have rear basket and wanted to lower load for better handeling
2013-11-28 04:00:47
My panniers block the bus headlights if I leave them on the bike. This is not safe, especially if it's dark out.
2013-11-28 08:21:16
I'm always terrified things will fall off/out and/or get stolen, so I take everything that isn't nailed down on the bus with me.
2013-12-11 19:46:59