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Bike-riding thieves break into cars

Bikes ahve become so popular that I've been waiting for "criminals on bikes" to happen.

I'm guessing it was no one here. Could be wrong, I suppose.

2012-10-31 20:18:31

That's where I work! Everybody is talking about it.

Apparently what happened is somebody came by between 2 and 4 am this morning and smashed up a bunch of cars. They also had the presence of mind to disable the security cameras before doing it. So it seems more like something planned than just a bunch of kids riding around randomly.

And anyway, we're on Mosside Blvd not near anything else. You have to plan to get here.

2012-10-31 20:35:34

First comment on the story: "I bet those jerks ran a bunch of red lights on their bikes too." That's kinda funny, much as I hate to admit it.

Seriously, though, "thieves on bikes"? What about all those criminals who arrive on foot? We've got a veritable epidemic of pedestrian burglaries! Where's the PG on that story? And don't get me started on the car-driving embezzlers.

2012-10-31 20:41:44

It's unusual enough around here that somebody rides a bike, that it deserves comment. I'm sure I've seen less than a dozen people on bikes the whole time I've been commuting out here.

2012-10-31 20:43:38





all joking aside, this stinks and it really does sound planned.

@jonawebb - sorry for the loss & damage your co-workers experienced

2012-10-31 20:44:38


2012-10-31 20:45:40

I'm sure I've seen less than a dozen people on bikes the whole time I've been commuting out here.

really? dag. i see a dozen on my commute home most days (though the past few days have provided considerably fewer).

well, maybe those people will start biking now. bicycle windows are really hard to smash.

2012-10-31 20:49:01

I mean, out here -- not on the way out of the city. Seriously, less than a dozen. I can remember each encounter individually.

2012-10-31 20:51:15

Yeah, looks like planned. Sorry for loses.

2012-10-31 20:57:59

You are now a suspect jonawebb.

2012-10-31 21:21:27

Not only him....

2012-10-31 21:34:18

Having lived and worked in Monroeville, I don't think there are any traffic lights TO run on that part of 48. However, I'd expect that part of town to be a hotbed of bike haters. 100% of the people 100% of the time use a car to do most shopping, commuting.

2012-10-31 21:51:37

That area, from what I have seen, is *severely* intolerant of anyone not on 4 wheels.

2012-10-31 22:06:36

I will NOT ride my bike to Forbes when I work there.

2012-11-01 01:50:52

I was thinking about this on the ride this morning, whether folks out here disrespect bicycles, and honestly I don't notice any difference. I've gotten buzzed a few times here, same as in the city. Maybe because I'm so unusual people notice me more and give me more space passing -- it's hard to tell. Usually traffic is not as heavy as it is sometimes in the city (I avoid the roads out here that get really heavy traffic) and maybe that makes things work better. Of course, there's no bike infrastructure whatsoever, so you have to be comfortable riding with traffic.

2012-11-01 12:36:05

Bicycle based crime.

I used to live in East Liberty - 20ish years ago.

About 3 months after I moved out, there was a drug related "bicycle by" (rather then drive by) shooting on the corner near where I used to live.

I could not find a reference to it online.

2012-11-02 04:23:29