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bike sneaks for crossing rail tracks

Got a tweet about this, thought I'd share here. This is in Denver.

A few that come to mind: Neville/Boundary, River Avenue, maybe Arlington and/or Warrington, South Side Trail. I'm sure there are others.

2012-11-02 17:50:18

Are these necessary at Neville/Boundary, Southside Trail, or River? The path of travel is naturally pretty perpendicular to the tracks. The point of this is to make it more perpendicular when it is not.

I haven't been to Arlington or Warrington.

2012-11-02 18:02:20

The angle of the tracks across River are such that I always find myself angling to cross them; I can see markings being useful for people.

Arlington is a mess in general (in part due to the narrowness of the street).

Note that there's a difference between rail tracks and tram tracks. More modern tram tracks seem to use grooves that are much narrower than older ones, so angle choice is more forgiving.

2012-11-02 19:27:33

How about an at-grade crossing connecting Junction Hollow Trail with the lower part of Schenley by the lake?


2012-11-03 02:40:47

Guys, crossing any rails when they are wet -- this is a danger. Wet steel and wet rubber means low friction. Stefb mentioned how people got wiped out on River during one of Tuesday's rides during rain.

2012-11-03 03:00:01