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Bike Stripped 9th St Garage downtown

I saw this bike at 8:30pm yesterday, missing two wheels, stem, handlebar and seat. I didn't notice it when I locked my bike up at 7:30pm. Was going to check to see if it was still there this am but was running late.

strippedBike 9th garage

2011-07-22 13:59:41

Wonder what they do with it. I'm looking for a frame!

2011-07-22 16:41:26

That is shitty, that looks like it was a nice touring bike.

2011-07-23 22:08:43

I just saw a blue Bridgestone frame in front of Espresso A Mano / Larryville, sans wheels, brakes & headset/handlebars. About all that was left was the bottom bracket & glittery orange seat. Sad.

2011-07-24 17:53:31

How long are these bikes sitting before they are stripped? Sounds like less than an hour in the first case. Pseudacris's instance sounds like a short timeframe, too.

OTOH, the last I was out at the Dormont T station, there was a very rusted frame locked to a bike rack, likely there for months. While lamentable, that doesn't concern me as much as a rip-and-run.

ieverhart's stolen wheel last week is another one. I hope this is not a developing trend.

2011-07-24 18:08:24

I remember about 10-15 years ago it was real bad. Someone was stripping bikes all the time. I am a mechanic and it only takes a few tools and a little knowledge to strip a bike down to the frame. When I am in the shop it only takes me about 10 minutes to take a full bike and strip it to a bare frame. I recomend putting hot glue inside of all of your allen wrench fittings on your bike (stem, seat, brakes, etc...). That will stop someone from being able to quickly remove anything. The hot glue can be picked out of the fitting relatively easily when service is needed. Hose clamps around quick release skewers to the frame or fork will make wheels much harder to remove.

2011-07-25 00:45:26

hose clamps - I like.

I knew someone in college who stripped his bike daily when he left it of a bunch of basic stuff - seat, wheels, lord knows what all else that was smaller and fit into his pack, I didn't really ask much after the initial "dude, what?". He didn't want people stealing them and didn't mind carrying them the few feet from the door to his office. Hopefully some of these are intentional as well.

2011-07-25 17:21:45

I was just at Thick’s yesterday and saw a 4 pack set of locking skewers, seat clamp, and stem cap that needs some sort of key to remove them from a bike.

2011-07-25 18:10:59