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Braggardly bike hater trashes bike

So my girlfriend found this on craigslist. As with anything on there this is not necessarily fact, but it got under my skin either way. I hope this didnt happen, but if it did and anyone knows who to the victim is maybe there could be some sort of retribution. Here's the post:

why are male bikers hairless and female bikers hairy all over? (PGH)

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Date: 2009-01-30, 11:49PM EST

Since the biker topic is goinig on here.. I thought I'd chime in.. I posted an ad here on Cl for a roommate, met a seemingly nice girl that

was interested in moving in.. So she did.. Her and her bike.. Ok,yeah, whatever.. She was so self-rightous about her fucking bike and

biking and gasoline and whatever.. Well first off.. You bikers need to shower.. I had to remind her that she stunk up the whole place when

she got back from going where ever bikers go.. and that use of the shower IS included in the rent.. She was pissed that I said that.. But

she was a stinky, stinky girl.. She had hairy armpits and ate garbage.. No for real, she was part of a network of pseudo-hipsters that dumpster dove nightly.. So I had old cheese in my fridge, a gay-ass looking bike in my living room and B.O. in my house.. So I had to send her packing less that 8 weeks of her moving in.. I kept her security deposit after she moved because I told her, not asked, I TOLD her to NOT park her stupid bike in the living room.. She did anyway

and when I kept the deposit $400 she was crying about it.. Expensive parking for a crappy bike for 3 months.. I put a new ad up stating

that the appliciant MUST shower daily, NOT have a bike and NOT eat garbage.. I now have a cute roommate that drives a BMW and works a

real job.. Wears cute business skirts, showers every day and I actually wank it in her panties every now and again.. Anyway, a few weeks ago I noticed her bike chained to a parking meter

at some vegan/indian joint.. I was in my work truck so I grabbed the bolt cutters and snipped both of her tires and rims.. (are the called

rims on a bike..? I dunno, I'm not 10 anymore) I wish I could have seen her face...

My feelings are that if I drive my car on a bike path, I should, by all means, STAY OUT of BIKERS way.. As should they for us, the people

that pay taxes (gasoline tax) to use the road.. Roads should be "Use at own risk" for bikers..

I read a few of the posts, folks going back and forth threatening violence.. Haha.. I'm not the fighting type but if I had to choose a

fight it'd be with a biker.. I feel I could kick ANY bikers ass..


and if anyone has any info or knows where this dude parks his truck let me know...

2009-02-11 20:26:00

Man that guy is a jerk!

2009-02-11 21:29:16

the internet

2009-02-11 21:32:15

seems kinda improbable considering i'm guessing she knows where he lives

2009-02-11 21:40:16

While this guy is certainly a jerk, his attitude towards cyclists is pretty typical of a lot of drivers I know. It's why when I am out on the road I try to treat the cars around me with as much respect as I can.

2009-02-11 22:03:03

If everything posted on Craigslist R&R even had a hint of truth to it the world would be a much different place than reality paints it.

2009-02-11 22:33:06

this guy has to wank it! me and my bike buddies get laid. thats all i gotta say...

2009-02-11 23:33:02

Sounds like he's trolling....

2009-02-12 01:26:32