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Businesses that allow you to bring your bike inside

Yesterday I was at the Sunoco on Highland Ave. another cyclist pulled up and brought his bike inside the store. There has been many times I didn't stop at a store because I could't find a good spot to lock up or didn't feel like locking up. Does anyone know what other businesses that allow you to bring your bike in while shopping.

2011-12-10 02:03:47

I've brought my bike into Circle K on Butler St twice with no issue.

2011-12-10 02:31:32

At night I brink my bike into the neighbrohood convenience store. The part-owner is always there and he insists on it. It's nice. I'm not sure whether he would welcome strangers on bikes. I don't bring my bike on day shift.

2011-12-10 03:37:11

I've brought my bike into several stores in the past when there is nowhere to lock it up (bank, state store, post office, dollar store, drug store...) I try to be considerate, and position the bike so that it isnt impeading other customers and I won't do it if it's raining, etc. I will usually comment to the cashier how there is nowher to lock up outside and ask if it is ok. I've only been yelled at once, and I no longer shop there. However, I much prefer to lock up to a proper bikerack or even a parking meter or sign pole if it's available.

2011-12-10 03:53:33

The PNC bank on butler street has allowed me to park my bike inside. It was actually one of the tellers that told me to bring it in while I was locking up out front one day.

2011-12-10 03:58:19

I know that most gas stations I've been to will let me. Both mancinis that I work at are pretty accommodating, unless there's physically no room in the store. a few rite-aids have let me bring mine in as well. I think most places will let you if there's room and you're respectful about it. Especially if there's no parking available (one place [can't remember where] let me bring mine in when I had forgotten my lock at home)

2011-12-10 08:47:55

I know the dollar bank downtown will, and the security guards have been more than insistent, as well as offering to keep an eye on it while I go about the thrills of banking. Super nice since the few lockable options there are iffy.

2011-12-10 13:03:49

I have seen bikes in Home Depot.

2011-12-10 13:07:25

Late night @ the E Liberty Pizza Sola. Mostly due to awesome bike-riding employees.

2011-12-10 17:04:30

While there are plenty of racks available, you can also lock up your bike inside at the Factory (where the Food Co-op and climbing gym are), near the bouldering area.

2011-12-10 17:09:58

I often take my bike inside the Bruegger's on Aiken Avenue in Shadyside, leaning it inside the entry area just inside the outer door. Also, my barber, Paul Pirollo, on Sheridan Avenue, insists that I bring it inside.

2011-12-10 17:43:19

Citizens Bank, Perry Highway office in Pines Plaza, Ross. The entryway has a dogleg turn between sets of double doors, so parking the bike on the outside of the turn has never been a problem.

OTOH, I chose not to press my luck at the West View Dunkin Donuts the other night. Technically I wouldn't have been blocking anyone's entry through either door, but it was Wednesday and I would have been blocking access to the stack of new City Papers, so chose instead to lock to the gas meter just outside.

2011-12-10 18:24:39

Trek, Thick Bikes, and Iron City bikes didn't seem to care at all when I wheeled mine in. Har har.

2011-12-10 18:54:22

Got seriously yelled at for trying to bring my bike into the entryway of the Wilkinsburg post office once. There's nowhere around there to lock up either.

2011-12-10 19:37:49

Eyetique in Southside Works. I've brought mine inside several times.

2011-12-10 20:02:40

I regularly bring mine into the CVS at Wilkins and Wightman, leaving it in the alcove next to the carts.

2011-12-10 20:08:45

Home depot is cool with bikes (worked there for a few years) just don't lean it up against something and walk away. Because of how big the store is, and how often people shop lift, I wouldn't be surprised if your bike would disappear if you didn't have your hand on it.

If you're cool enough to come by my studio you can totally bring your bike in. Heck, I might even let you ride it ;p

2011-12-11 15:08:47

I will definitely try bringing my bike into Bruegger's, I didn't realize so many places let you bring your bike in.

@ robjdlc if I had know you had a studio or even where it is I would definitely bring my bike in so I could check it out.

@ chemicaldave I always bang my bike against the door when I bring it into Trek

2011-12-12 01:47:30

I've brought my bike into the Squirrel Hill Post Office several times with no problems.

2011-12-12 01:54:07

I've never tried bringing the bike into the McKnight post office, but OTOH they have the cutest little nook two feet from the door, just perfect for parking a bike. Can't lock it to anything, but I don't think anyone would know what to do with a bicycle at McKnight and Siebert anyway.

2011-12-12 02:36:51

Bicycle heaven bike shop Museum lets you though it has a Guard at the gate with 24 hours and your on vidio inside and outside and its easy to lock your bike on the fence outside the shop.We are getting some Bike racks soon and i dont mind bikers bringing in bikes but did have a few come in with mudd on the tires and it is a clean museum.I can understand for repairs as our work shop is in the rear of the building,Craig

2011-12-12 02:56:46

The BP in Millvale does not seem to be an issue but the employees think I am a cop.

2011-12-12 17:16:14

@John Wilkinsburg post office

Where mail goes to die.

Just sayin'.

2011-12-12 19:03:41

The Rock Room in Polish Hill lets you park your bikes in the back room if there is not a show. South Oakland Post Office lets you bring them into the first room.

2011-12-13 20:40:11

RE Wilkinsburg PO,

There is a sign in front that had been fading for so many years all that is left is a shield surrounding the word "NO". ...Pretty much sums up the whole attitude of that branch & one of my favorite 'Burgh signs.

2011-12-13 21:58:42

I've taken my bike into OTB on slow nights.

2011-12-13 23:03:27

REI southside, cool with bikes inside.

ProBikes Squirrel Hill, same thing, although they've recently removed the inside rack for customer bikes - I imagine the floor space is precious.

Water Works Barnes & Noble, brought my bike inside today - quick right turn after the double doors, perfect little space.

2011-12-14 02:24:21

If any bike shop refused to let me bring my own bike inside, I'd find a new bike shop.

2011-12-14 02:42:33

If any bike shop refused to let me bring my own bike inside, I'd find a new bike shop.

Yeah, agreed. I do sometimes feel bad about bringing my bike into Kraynick's, though--not exactly a lot space to be had there.

2011-12-14 11:50:30

Generally with bike shops, the bike IS the business to attend to: repairs, parts, adjustments, inspections & the like. I think the point of the thread is businesses other than bike shops.

When I get a free moment, I'm going to poke around the Frick Building and see if there's an empty office on some floor. If we had to elevator our bikes up to an upper floor, that would surely deter petty theft.

As long as 65-year-olds are generally in charge of things, though, not much is going to change. We younger folks just have to keep the noise level up. And maybe we older younger folks might have more pull. (I'm 53.)

2011-12-14 13:30:10

I can sympathize, to a point, with employers/owners that might not let you bring your bike into an establishment. What do you in the middle of the winter, when someone drags a slush-covered bike in, and ten minutes later, there's a huge mess on the floor? Granted, many of us would wisely skip bringing our bikes into the establishment in such condition, but, we all know that ignorance doesn't magically disappear when you swing your leg over a bike. The larger a business is, the harder is it is to have a sensible, flexible policy (primarily because multiple employees need to be sensible and flexible, which can be a tall order).

2011-12-14 15:27:33

What do you do when Wilie Ray, reeking of Marlboro's, sloshes in wearing his muddy work gear and gets the same slush and mud everywhere? Which is more of a turn off to customers?

2011-12-14 15:30:34

Point taken, but Willie Ray might not have two fender fulls of slush to melt while I'm doing my business.

Again, I'm not saying no businesses should allow bikes inside--I think it's a fine idea. It just requires common sense on both sides of the equation, which is often in short supply.

2011-12-14 15:38:58

Bikes, like boots, can be shaken off for the most part.

2011-12-14 15:48:51

bike pittsburgh seems to be pretty good about it, but I'm sure when you turn your back they're scowling and rolling their eyes.

2011-12-14 16:41:05

I don't know how tolerated this is, but someone parked their bike right in between the double doors at Macy's, Fifth at Smithfield entrance, around 8:30 this morning.

2011-12-16 14:44:04

burlington let me park mine by the security guard once. but they said they never would again

2011-12-17 01:11:00

ProBikes Squirrel Hill moved the bike rack to the far side of the cash register and all bikes are welcome there.

2011-12-17 03:55:17

This evening I was in Home Depot and someone was walking around shopping while pushing his bike up and down the store.

2011-12-28 00:22:05