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Cargo bike bags

I'm looking to get a new bag for my Kona Ute (I have an older model with two open-top nylon bags, and the hooks are getting weak after a few years). Does anyone have any experience with the latest offerings? Kona has one that comes with the new model, Yuba has the Go-Getter, and of course XtraCycle has at least a couple of offerings. Are there others? I've decided to try to get something relatively waterproof so I can leave it on my bike full time, i.e., permanently affixed, instead of hauling it inside while my bike is parked out in the elements. It's going to sit out on the rain and snow, and I'd like my stuff to stay dry. Maybe a custom tarp/tent/canvas shop could make something? Are any of the existing models good?
2013-12-23 18:09:24