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Cyclists Strike A Pose in Street View -could we do a Pittsburgh version?

"...The Google Maps cars captured cyclists helping each other in downtown Seattle. Today, from Surrey Hills UK, we see cyclists posing for the StreetView cameras as it drives by. Don’t know the exact story"..."
2013-03-07 11:26:59
Yeah, too bad we don't know anyone who works for google - cough, cough...
2013-03-07 11:38:19
Google has already recorded some fun stuff in Pittsburgh. In particular some strange goings on along Sampsonia Way. Be sure to drop by Doug's Market.
2013-03-07 20:51:27
Haha -paging salty!
2013-03-07 21:02:53
There is a page that gives the general location of the cars, but I honestly don't know what the policy is about giving out more details. Obviously the Sampsonia Way people were tipped off (that was before my time) but the fact that street view isn't just filled with things like that makes me suspect they don't really encourage it... But I'll see what I can find out - I have never checked. I did see some cars here maybe 6 months ago; I don't know how often they come. AFAIK they don't even park them at the office when they're here, although I guess since I'm never in the parking garage I might not know if they did.
2013-03-08 01:01:31
Actually I somehow remember that was a lot more going on than what I saw just now, so maybe some of the blocks were rerecorded. On the other hand there's that Market thing. I can't see how that happened without some active collusion.
2013-03-08 08:22:33