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DATE CHANGED - September Moonlight Ride: Sept 10, 11:45pm

Second Monthly moonlight ride!

Have a fun, relaxed ride through the city with nearly no cars!

Doing it a little different this time - to avoid confusion on the date, we'll start just before midnight (so Sept 10 really means Sept 10).

MEETING TIME - 11:45pm



No drops

Helmets encouraged

Stop at red lights/stop signs

If the group gets cut in half by a red light, we'll pull over and stop to wait for everyone else

Use turn signals

Stay in the correct lane (right most of the time, sometimes the center lane, sometimes left if there's a turn)

If it's safe to let cars pass, let them.

If it's not safe to let cars pass, don't let them.


Ride will end at Ritter's again, so bring some cash (there's an ATM there, but there's a $2.50 fee to use it)!

Most importantly, Have fun!



2012-08-21 16:03:23

Aww dang, I'm stuck working the overnight on the 3rd. Covering for someone else who took the holiday.

2012-08-21 17:02:41

(this would be monday night, at the end of labor day, right? not sunday night, going into labor day?)

(confusion is eternal. just roll with it :)

2012-08-21 19:32:34

Yup, meet monday night, ride until Tuesday.

2012-08-21 19:42:26

Also, forgot to post that this ride meets at Friendship park, by S millvale ave.

2012-08-22 01:48:12

Oh, hey, I just realized that Ritter's will be closed that night. How do people feel - move it to the following week, or just end somewhere and not have food?

2012-08-22 20:26:50

i'd vote for a date move, but my vote is for selfish reasons (since im workign on the suggested night.)

2012-08-22 20:48:51

No worries on the selfish reasons, that's the whole reason it's on Monday nights in the first place! Fridays suck for me.

2012-08-22 21:06:48

This will be my first Moonlight Ride and part of the attraction is the opportunity to socialize and meet new people. I would vote to move the date but will ride either way.

2012-08-22 21:22:51


What is this world coming to?!

Any chance this will ever happen on a weekend night? 3 hours of sleep doesn't work anymore after you leave college...

2012-08-23 02:05:12

Fridays suck for me. I work Friday day and night, then back to work sat morning at 6am.

2012-08-23 03:27:28

Yeah, I started this ride because

1 - Tuesday is the only day of the week that I can sleep past 5am

2 - Traffic is so unbelievably light on Monday nights

It is mostly for people who can't make weekend night rides.

2012-08-23 09:27:35

uh... Seems to me this would be a perfect month for a moonlight ride: the full moon is on Friday, August 31. It's at 9:53 am, so the fullest moon is really August 30, a Thursday, but still.

On the evening of Sept 10-11, the moon doesn't rise until 2:13 and only 1/4 of the moon is visible.

@RubberFactory. Maybe you should just call your ride a "Midnight ride."

2012-08-23 15:21:26

...not a rant, just philosophizing over lunch...

Off-topic: I see that RF has changed her name to Erica. She's one of several ladies on the board I didn't know was female until she'd been conversing with us for a while. And as I've said before, as far as getting out there on two wheels goes, gender is irrelevant. Not that there aren't some issues specific to women (see Elly Blue's wonderful 'zines for more detail), but I don't care if I cannot tell if the person posting is this or that. It's one more person riding, and that's always a good thing.

On-topic: I see that Kelly O's Diner now has a location in the Strip. Opens 5am, 7 days a week. Has anyone been there? The Kelly O's in Pines Plaza in Ross Twp, near my residence, ended up in the documentary "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives". And they use Mancini's Bread, according to their website.

2012-08-23 16:14:44

Well, I'm not into changing the date of the ride again. The name of the ride came from me not knowing what else to call it, and I was thinking about The Doors when I came up with it. There was already one in August, for bike fest, and I wanted to wait until September to have another one, because I know that Bikefest wore a lot of people out.

I wouldn't mind changing the destination in the future, but I already have the route for the september one planned out.

2012-08-23 19:26:27

I think the date and time and name are perfect.

2012-08-23 19:53:51

Welcome Erica, goodbye and best luck to Rubber Factory. Maybe something will change in your life, maybe something has.

2012-08-24 01:04:32

I'm telling Dan and Patrick...

Stu, I went to the Kelly O's on Sunday, because Pamela's was ridiculous. From what I remember of the one on 19, pretty much the same (in a good way).

And Mick, who cares if it's a full moon or 1/4 moon, it's still moonlight... even if it were a new moon, then it could be an ironic moonlight ride.

2012-08-24 01:21:48

I'll light my torch and wave it for the new moon on Monday....

2012-08-24 01:23:50

*pout* I can't make it the following week. I really need to move back to pgh... I miss the hills!

2012-08-24 07:15:32

I'm just glad "Erica" (if that is your real name ..haha) didn't name her ride after the Soft Boys' song Underwater Moonlight.

2012-08-24 11:08:01

Top! This ride is coming up this coming Monday!

2012-09-06 21:01:09

Bumpity bump bump bump.

Take a nap & grab a hoodie, its gonna be a cold one kiddies.

2012-09-10 12:00:33

I'm going to the Frank Turner concert at Mr. Small's this evening but will still be making it to the ride. I'll just have to haul my bike to Friendship Park on my car. Looking forward to my first Moonlight Ride.

2012-09-10 16:35:17

its a nice ride from millvale over to the park...

2012-09-10 16:40:08

Yeah, but I am going to the concert with my son and have to drop him off afterwards.

2012-09-10 17:43:46

I JUST got home from work after an hour long bus ride from the strip district to upper lawrenceville (I chose today of all days to buy a case of drinks from kml that I couldn't carry on my bike), so I'm gonna attempt a nap, and I will be there either hopped up on caffeine or dead sleepy.

And I just remembered to charge my lights! Would've sucked if they went out mid-ride.

See ya there!

2012-09-10 22:23:00

If I have the energy I will be there

2012-09-10 22:45:19

powernaps ftw!

(i just woke up from mine. :) )

2012-09-11 02:36:06

I wasn't going to come because I was tired and needed to go to the DMV and do some lesson planning in the morning.

Then I realized that was the most boring thought I had ever had.

See you in a little while.

I really wish I had had time to fit in a powernap, though.

2012-09-11 02:38:02

stef is dead to the world. looks like we're gonna miss the ride...

2012-09-11 02:54:42

Leaving Work now, will catch along the way if i miss the start.

2012-09-11 03:17:13

hope everyone who tried to make it did! it was fun

2012-09-11 07:27:45

Yeah, got home fine, although now I'm wishing I didn't have had to wake up at 6:30.

Still had fun, even though I wish I had worn sleeves.

2012-09-11 11:17:54