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East End Starbucks ride

Has anyone done this? I happened to find it on the calendar. It says medium to hard ride. People have different definitions of that. Anyone care to check it out if I can get out of work early enough?

2012-12-18 04:31:20

I could be talked into it

2012-12-18 14:26:14

I was wondering since October. Never tried it. It looks like C,C+/3 or C/C+/2.

2012-12-18 15:39:00

I remember someone posted during the summer that they tried the ride but no one was there. They waited about 45 minutes and then left.

(edit) I think the problem was 2 rides at the same time on the same day less than a mile apart.

2012-12-18 15:52:13

is there a link to this?

2012-12-18 15:57:26

the few times i have tried to meet up for this no one else came.

there is a email address but i never sent one to see what is up.

2012-12-18 17:27:53

I sent an email this morning trying to parse the pacing and what it would mean relative to my current fitness level. No response just yet, but was less than 3 hours ago. Will let you know if I do hear something!

2012-12-18 17:36:03

@byogman Take a look here -- -- this was an orriginal classification for a lot of rides. Just remember that C/3/25 (just an example) means average speed 12-15 mph, rolling hills (1-3 similar River View Park From Woods to Perrysville or Greenfield from secont to Hazzelwood), 25 mile long. It tells you that total time including waiting people at certain points (after 1 hour or at the crest) would be about 1.8-2.5 hours. But this is expectations. TeamDecaf rides always has at least two groups (fast and not so fast :)) and it's up to you to chose an appropriate one. PMTCC always has points where people get together and continue. Collin (cburch) leads a nice MTB group on Fridays.

PS edited speed 2 to 12.

2012-12-19 01:39:35

Is there still a thursday night team caffeine ride?

2012-12-19 02:19:57

@ boostuv - The group that rode on Thursdays seems to have disappeared. I think the main leader had other commitments. The way I remember it about 3-4 years ago, there were maybe only 5-6 people riding in the group. They were in the very fast, lotta-hills riding style.

2012-12-19 02:30:09

@TeamDecaf I wonder if Kevin Wahila was one of them...

2012-12-19 15:37:38

I rode the team caffeine rides on Thursdays about a handful of times a year for the past 4 or 5 years until it fell apart this last summer. Even though I was one of the slowest or the slowest each time, it was still a fun ride. I know it's a long ways away, but I'd like to see it get revived in the spring and I'd probably go more often since I now live 2 blocks from TDO.

2012-12-19 16:35:25

I would be up for this, though I would be afraid that the fast group on Tuesdays wouldn't show up on Tuesdays anymore.

2012-12-19 17:16:17

I tried this once last year too, nobody showed up. I'm surprised it's still on the calendar.

2012-12-19 18:29:01

Maybe it's viable though... now that we have an interested group thinking about it all at once?

I'd certainly like a Tuesday ride after work, I hate Tuesdays and need something to look forward to.


2012-12-19 18:34:44