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Edgar Snyder Strikes again

I saw this at the top of 40th & Penn. Thanks Mr. Snyder!
2013-09-26 20:30:52
We get four feet for you! Thanks!
2013-09-26 21:27:14
"And remember! You'd don't pay anything unless we get you your 4 feet!"
2013-09-26 21:43:51
You’re welcome – we are glad to spread the word about the four foot law. Hopefully if you saw it, lots of drivers will take notice.
2013-09-27 07:55:04
Don't mess with Edgar !
2013-09-27 16:23:56
A good friend's father went to school with Edgar and I hear that he was a cool dude then and looks like he still is. Thanks!
2013-09-27 20:07:10
Does anybody else think of him as a less shady Saul Goodman now? I also thought of my own slogan if I were to become a malpractice/accident lawyer: Got problems? GET PIERCE! Got problems? GET PIERCE! Kind of imagine it to the tune/style of "Apply directly to the forehead!"
2013-09-28 21:37:32
We've been going about this all wrong, trying to appeal to people's good sides with sharrows and the like. We need Edgarrows, i.e., the corporal stripes with Edgar's face underneath and a bicycle bow tie.
2013-09-28 23:40:22
+1 on the Please Pass With Care ads. I suspect many drivers are more aware of Mr. Snyder's law practice than the four foot passing law. These ads should build awareness of both. I'd like to see PennDOT put up signs to remind drivers that 4 feet is the law. If they can spend money to let us know that Tom Corbett is our Governor, they should be able to find the money to make our roads safer for cyclists.
2013-09-29 07:37:27
Buying a bunch of ads to put on the backs of buses would do that, and help fund transit, too. Every dollar in advertising revenue that Port Authority gets helps run the system.
2013-09-29 09:52:07
This is a good time to plug this shirt again. Of course a four foot message with Edgar pointing would be good too.
2013-09-29 10:40:15
I was on the road last week when you posted the shirt photos and couldn't comment. We really should have some shirts like this and in T-shirt style too. When they are ready, I'll buy one.
2013-10-06 08:51:45
To who ever the moderator is, please fix the 2nd shirt word. Must've been typing too fast.
2013-10-06 08:52:53
Edgar Snyder's wife was one of literally 4 people who consistently tipped me when I was a messenger. That is a good person in my book.
2013-10-06 11:51:05
I heard the same thing from someone who caddied for him a long time ago, good tipper. Be kind to service people, they remember it the rest of their lives.
2013-10-06 15:08:14
Lets not get carried away with all this for heaven's sake. Ambulance chasing attorneys aren't exactly out for the greater good. They are out to make money off anyone that makes some mistake. Including if your dog accidentally bits someone or whatever. Sure, in a perfect world that NO ONE makes any mistakes Mr. Snyder is some great guy, but he is just someone making bucks off anyone making a mistake. The US has WAY too many attorneys to say the least. Sure I like him promoting the law of 4 feet, but I am not a fan of the ambulance chasers. Pretty much as low as one can get if yo ask me. It is funny to read people all excited about an ambulance chaser promoting our cause. Hope you don't lose your brakes on your bike and run into some old lady. He will be knocking at your door to bankrupt you in a NY second. Whatever though. I will never respect some ambulance chaser. I have to live with myself. He markets himself well though. Look at all the following types all excited that he is for me! lol Yeah whatever. He is for himself and money. Nothing more. Grow up.
2013-10-06 19:40:10
Cool story bro. Im going to court on thursday for the dog that bit me last month!!! Im sure it was an accident. Maybe I shouldnt go....
gg wrote:Lets not get carried away with all this for heaven’s sake. Ambulance chasing attorneys aren’t exactly out of the greater good. They are out to make money off anyone that makes some mistake. Including if your dog accidentally bits someone or whatever. Sure, in a perfect world that NO ONE makes any mistakes Mr. Snyder is some great guy, but he is just someone making bucks off anyone making a mistake. The US has WAY too many attorneys to say the least. Sure I like him promoting the law of 4 feet, but I am not a fan of the ambulance chasers. Pretty much as low as one can get if yo ask me.
2013-10-06 20:38:10
steevo wrote:Cool story bro. Im going to court on thursday for the dog that bit me last month!!! Im sure it was an accident. Maybe I shouldnt go….
I suppose it would be how you feel about the owner of the dog. Did they run out and say, omgoodness, I am so sorry. Are you okay? Can I take you to the hospital or doctor? Blah, Blah, Blah. You know, in a civilized manner? Or where they like whatever. I guess I feel people don't need middlemen to squeeze pennies out of both sides of whatever happens and if someone makes a mistake. You need to live with yourself, so I guess that will be up to you. Would I use an attorney if I was wronged? If the person who did the deed was aggressive and didn't care, yeah I might hire someone, but I think I would handle it myself. Who needs a middleman scratching for pennies? They aren't exactly respected members of civilized society. They are just ambulance chasers looking to escalate something so they can make more money and in turn the person on the other side also has one that wants to escalate the issue to guess what? Make more money. The day I put these jerks on some pedestal is the day, I have nothing left in my heart at all. Snyder is a jerk. You would have to be to be in such a profession. People talk about him a lot because he was the first to advertise in our region when it became something that was accepted in his profession. Then came Berger and Greene and whatever other ambulance chaser comes along to sock it to someone. When they really make the big money is when the other side hires a friend and they both argue the case to death and BOOM both attorneys make a ton of both sides. Good for you to think they are on your side. Yeah right! lol
2013-10-06 21:01:02
I gotta say, this thread is one funny read. Hey look Edger is on OUR SIDE! I am really disappointed in what I have read here. I guess cyclists are really desperate. All of a sudden an ambulance chasing attorney is a good guy? REALLY? If that is what we are holding onto, maybe we need to throw in the towel.
2013-10-06 21:09:16
It's a rare person who goes through life not needing an attorney at some point. I like the ad campaign, it's encouraging safety. IE: fewer ambulances to chase.
2013-10-06 21:26:06
I wouldn't write him off. Yes, he caters to a crowd, and so far I have not needed those services. But he's a decent fellow, from all accounts I've read so far, and has represented cyclists, as well as ridden a bike himself from time to time, though I've yet to see him on a Flock ride. He also has an account here and reads this thread (see fourth post, above). If I had to choose, I'd rather he be representing my case than arguing against me. Too many lawyers? Meh. Even the oft-quoted line from Shakespeare about "first thing we do is kill all the lawyers" is usually misinterpreted. Here's the context (from a law firm in Texas): [link] Even a cursory reading of the context in which the lawyer killing statement is made in King Henry VI, Part II, (Act IV), Scene 2, reveals that Shakespeare was paying great and deserved homage to our venerable profession as the front line defenders of democracy. The accolade is spoken by Dick the Butcher, a follower of anarchist Jack Cade, whom Shakespeare depicts as "the head of an army of rabble and a demagogue pandering to the ignorant," who sought to overthrow the government. Shakespeare's acknowledgment that the first thing any potential tyrant must do to eliminate freedom is to "kill all the lawyers" is, indeed, a classic and well-deserved compliment to our distinguished profession.
2013-10-07 00:20:41
Attorneys, making sure the rule of law applies to folks who otherwise wouldn't have a clue how to stand up for themselves, do a lot to make things fair. And yes, we do live in a capitalist society, where people do things for money. But not everybody is generous enough to tip folks doing a service for them.
2013-10-07 07:39:17
2013-10-07 08:52:51
+1 cburch Looks like trolling to me... gg's entitled to an opinion, but that opinion has zero to do with this thread and our appreciation for Mr. Snyder's help with safety/advocacy. He certainly isn't making money off of those signs and an ignorant uninformed public is certainly likely to be more profitable.
2013-10-07 09:30:16
I currently work in a peripherally medical field. Plenty of docs talk down lawyers - but the physician refuse to police themselves. If there weren't ambulance chasers, there would be no checks on medical malfeasance. I used to work in the iron-coal-automotive industry. IMO, more evil than the ambulance chasers, for sure. No one has clean hands.
2013-10-07 10:17:22
fultonco wrote:I was on the road last week when you posted the shirt photos and couldn’t comment. We really should have some shirts like this and in T-shirt style too. When they are ready, I’ll buy one.
If only there was a company in town that could make shirts that say that...
2013-10-07 15:38:01
Drewbacca wrote:+1 cburch Looks like trolling to me… gg’s entitled to an opinion...
Yes, I am entitled to an opinion, thanks. To just disregard my opinion as a "troll" post, is a bit childish, but whatever. I stand by my feelings on this subject. Sure I am happy Edger has a bike ad running around for his ad campaign and it does educate some people. Personally, I ride the same today as I did before the 4' rule. Nothing has changed much, but maybe a few drivers are following the law. Most buses (so-called professional drivers) pass me too close. I just try and avoid them at all costs. Anyway, I have nothing more to add, but really didn't feel comfortable not saying anything when some are putting an ambulance chaser on some pedestal. It was a bit much for me to just read and be idle, but whatever. To each their own. Odd, how some feel people are trolling if they have an opinion, but closed minds are like that. Easy to label things instead of actually thinking. That would require... well lets leave it at that.
2013-10-07 16:32:22
I don't know much about malpractice lawyers, but don't they generally advocate for individuals against corporations? Like try suing UPMC by yourself after a doc makes a mistake and see how far you get... Also, if I had any living grandparents and one of them was run over because somebodies brakes didn't work, I think they're entitled to compensation. Brakes usually don't just stop working and you should be responsible for maintaining your own vehicle and not hitting pedestrians.
2013-10-07 16:33:17
gg wrote:Yes, I am entitled to an opinion, thanks.
2013-10-07 16:58:18