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flockin' on seven's door?

so, flockistas, is there going to be a black and yellow ride coming up?

guaranteed to make friends with drivers

2011-01-25 20:24:00

I wear black and yellow every day and it doesn't really seem to help. Maybe I need to stick a few steelers/penguins logos on my jacket?

2011-01-25 20:25:20

Yeah we have had the discussion before about how drivers would probably give friendly honks if we all rode sports Tshirts/jerseys

2011-01-25 21:44:57

Here you go:

BLACK and GOLD Special Edition Flock Party Ride

Sunday, February 6 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Dippy the Dino

4100 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh

Lets hit the streets of Pittsburgh flaunting BLACK and GOLD just a few hours before Pittsburgh's beloved Steelers hit the field!

-Family friendly

-Slow paced

-Minimal hills

-Everyone welcomed


More details to be announced...

2011-01-25 21:58:26

Mm... would that be safe? People out drinking already?

EDIT: Justa though -I'm still in regardless :)

2011-01-25 22:26:29

I don't think the "drunk-driver-factor" is any more significant than our regular rides.

2011-01-25 22:34:26

Since it's a special occasion, and I learned last week that working on zero hours of sleep isn't all that bad, I might hit this up. I still might head home early if I start to feel too tired though.

EDIT: misread this, and thought it was a regular friday ride. I'll definitely be there, on my own bike this time!

2011-01-25 22:54:46

In this city, a prominently-displayed Turr'bl Tahl has more protective properties than all the lycra, goretex, and helmets out there combined.

2011-01-25 23:14:07

Oh man I just remembered I don't own and steelers or pens related clothes. Time to hit up goodwill.

2011-01-25 23:16:50

I experienced a lot of drivers in hurry-up mode the last two Sundays prior to the game. Not a reason to stay home but be extra cautious at intersections for light runners, etc.

2011-01-25 23:53:22

I think with enough people, tons of black and gold, and music, it will be a very safe, fun, ride.

2011-01-25 23:54:37

the critical mass on the friday before superbowl XL was great. huge turnout, media coverage (it's another way they can cover steeler mania), and the drivers were so stoked to see a bike parade of black and yellow. i mean, people were stoked. never been on a bike ride with that much posi reaction

2011-01-26 01:58:22

Should be safer than Sunday's game - Super Bowl's in Dallas, not the North Side!

2011-01-26 02:22:05

Would anyone even see us, then? Would there even be any traffic out there to give us any trouble?

All in all, short of rotten weather, it might be a just dandy time to have a group ride. (And I for one don't give a hang about the Stillrz.)

2011-01-26 14:52:37

but stu, you love pittsburgh.

2011-01-26 15:09:37

I was planning on riding during the game, simply because it's the best time to do anything in this city other than go to a sports bar. streets empty, stores empty (most are closed). it's getting caught still out at the end of the game that's tricky - people seem to like to get into their motor vehicles, drive around honking and swerving and all manner of obnoxious things as a "celebratory" activity. I'd rather they just burn couches, at least that's mostly stationary.

2011-01-26 15:42:19

Given the state of the furniture after a big party, burning may be the most sanitary/safe thing one can do with it.

2011-01-26 15:45:09