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Friends, Randos, Endurance Nuts, Lend Me Your Ears

For anyone interested in riding their bikes at the expense of friends, family, and sanity, here's a lineup of local fun stuff for the next few months.

The Spring brevets are pretty typical southwestern PA terrain: daunting to those from flatter parts of the world, but nothing abnormal to those who've ridden around here.

The AMCUP series is a challenge series (AKA "just plain mean"), with lots of time spent climbing ridges in the Laurel Highlands.

The training rides are CTC-focused, and are more intended to shake out any equipment or ergonomic problems beforehand than to be one's primary fitness training. I'll likely add a short night ride to the mix as well, so people will have an opportunity to test out lighting systems and whatnot on some nice rural roads.

03/26/2011 - Spring 200K Brevet

04/03/2011 - Distance intro (35 miles)

04/10/2011 - Distance training ride (65-75 miles)

04/17/2011 - Distance training ride (120-130 miles)

04/23/2011 - Spring 300K brevet

04/29/2011 - Crush The Commonwealth (woot!)

04/30/2011 - Calvin's Challenge

05/07/2011 - Spring 400K brevet

05/28/2011 - Spring 600K brevet

06/18/2011 - 200K brevet, Allegheny Mts Cruel and Unusual Punishment (AMCUP) series

07/09/2011 - 300K brevet, AMCUP

07/30/2011 - 400K brevet, AMCUP

2011-03-24 18:36:49

whoa. awesome. if you want any of these things posted to the calendar, let me know.

2011-03-24 19:05:17

I've had the April rides on my calendar for some time. Hope it all works out.

2011-03-24 20:54:41

Whats the pace on these? 15mph?

2011-03-24 22:40:45

Pace on brevets == whatever you feel comfortable riding. Minimum around 10 mph to beat time cutoffs.

Pace on CTC training rides == whatever the slowest person who shows up can sustain. Those will be no-drop, although I'll shorten the ride or split the group if time gets tight for some reason.

Pace on CTC == whatever you feel like. Seriously. Take 72 hours if ya feel like it. Or 24. Whichever.

Pace on Calvins Challenge == No matter how fast you are, someone's probably faster. The big dogs roll in the mid-20s.

2011-03-24 22:47:21