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FYI, Trek Warehouse Sale

I just received an email from Trek that said their annual warehouse sale is THIS SUNDAY, 8am-5pm, at the Robinson store.

I know some folks have posted of good deals in past years, so I thought I would post.

2012-02-22 18:47:00

Is this the kind of thing where the really good deals go fast, early in the morning?

2012-02-22 19:02:22

If you are looking for bikes, or higher end gear, then earlier is much better than later. But, even at the end of the day I can usually manage to spend some money.....

2012-02-22 19:19:18

I bought a helmet last year in an odd size later in the morning. My wife and I are going early this year with the hopes of finding her a bike.

2012-02-22 19:40:38

I buy spandex during this sale every year, sale prices are often from 30% to 80% off

2012-02-23 00:27:42

I bought a set of wheels for the commuter and a saddle (because they were $8!). I showed up about 9 AM and it was PACKED. Gotta line up next year.

2012-02-26 19:43:26

^ Or if you are special you get an invitation to the V.I.P. sale the night before. There was even a Bike Pittsburgh booth set up there. I got a good amount of Castelli spandex, and lots and lots of gear for mrs. marvelous.

2012-02-26 19:59:29

@Rice Rocket which wheels did you buy? I was looking for commuter wheels but none of the 700c were cheap enough. I was there at 8. Got a computer for $2. Wish I was invited to the VIP sale.

2012-02-26 20:01:35

I got to the VIP sale Saturday @ 4 when the doors opened, probably about 150 people were there. Anything that was worth buying was gone within on hour. I left around 5 and about 100 more people came in.

2012-02-26 20:11:58

Dang, mr marv! Bring me as your guest! :)

abracadabra: I got the Bontrager Race wheels for $145. They discontinued the paired spoke wheels and are going to normal spoke arrangements. It's about what I would spend for a set of used Aksiums or whatever off eBay anyways, so I just bought 'em there instead. They're 1800g or so, not super lightweight or anything.

2012-02-27 00:35:34

I was able to go to the warehouse and got my wife a new road bike. Also told 4 friends about this sales and they each got new bikes. So this got me thinking how many bikes were sold by the Robinson store today.

Anyone know that kind of figure or care to speculate?

I wonder of those how many were 2nd bike purchases or people buying their first bike?

2012-02-27 01:23:54

I went at 9:30 and was tempted by a Pearl Izumi rain jacket and some Sidis that were about a size too big, but came home with nothing. Also verified Rudy does not make a helmet big enough for my melon. I was hoping for better deals on parts.

Honestly, most prices are what you would find on the internet anyhow, but I guess it is supporting a local chain. Unsure I'll go again :-/

2012-02-27 02:01:30

It amazed me how many 6k and up bike were sold. I got the impression that it was second purchases I don't know how many people would buy a TT bike as their first bike.

2012-02-27 02:03:20

@dmtroyer You sure? I have a gigantic noggin, such that I can't actually wear Bell. I've had a couple of Rudy Project helmets though. Maybe something has changed since I had them ~5 years ago?

2012-02-27 03:33:42

The best thing I got wasn't even a thing. I didn't need a thing. An older woman wheeled a new bike out the door and immediately started zipping around the parking lot cheezing like a kid, she couldn't even wait. That was awesome.

They moved a bunch of bikes yesterday. I think '12 is going to be like a freaking bike explosion, everything until now is just prelude.

2012-02-27 11:37:44

@chris their Large only goes up to 61cm. I think I need something closer to 63.

2012-02-27 13:06:17

Was not impressed compared to last year. I bought a couple of the $8 saddles and the g/f and I each bought a pair of the $20 Nikes but that was it. I considered buying that set of Bontrager Aeolus 5.0/9.0 tubulars for the Tri bike but decided against it.

2012-02-27 13:44:20

My wife bought last year's 7.6 fx for the same price as this year's 7.4 fx.

Here's @pilarkitty and her new Trek 7.6 fx!

I bought a pair of Showers Pass "Hybrid Zip-off" pants at 50% off of the list price that I like. Not a lot in my size.

2012-02-27 13:58:39

Rice Rocket, that was the set I was about to buy. Too fancy for the bike I'm putting wheels on though.

Still want to know how to get into the VIP sale.

2012-02-27 16:55:13

^ I got an invitation to the VIP sale (and attended). I believe I signed up for their mailing list when I bought my bike there.

I was looking for a bike but there weren't many in my size so I settled for a few minor things: lights, gloves, and a jersey.

2012-02-27 17:04:07

I think the way you get on the VIP list is by spending X amount of dollars at Trek, also if you are a regular as far as getting you maintenance done there.

2012-02-27 22:29:17

I guess my bike was too cheap... I'll buy my next one somewhere else.

2012-02-27 23:48:37

But you have to remember, Mr. Marv has a wife, couples expenses add up quicker

2012-02-27 23:50:05

I have a wife too, and she even has 2 bikes.

2012-02-27 23:52:33

3 bikes, had wheels built, lots of maintenance done, lots and lots of Castelli gear, 2Chrome bags, tires, tubes, head lights, blinkys, 2 helmets and two sets of fenders. That's half of what I have purchased three in two years

2012-02-28 00:48:42