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Getting to the Point

I'm flying into Pittsburgh from DC tomorrow (Monday), staying at the Quality Inn University Center, then beginning my five-day GAPCO ride Tuesday morning. Looking at my BikePGH map, I can see that taking Bates to the EFT will get me to the Point - but then I'm doubling back over the same trail. If I wanted to see a little more of Pittsburgh, would it be okay to catch Fifth Ave via Craft and take it all the way downtown? Or is there a third alternative? TIA for the advice. I've been visiting this site regularly for the last couple of months, and have learned so much from the BikePGH community. Michael
2013-09-15 13:32:37
Ah - ride on the *other* side of the river - very clever! I'll definitely consider this.
2013-09-15 17:49:27
Fifth is very doable, but Mikhail's above route is much more scenic (and less traffic). Have a great time on your trip! I always enjoy reading about how people's trips went, so if you time when your done, drop us a quick synopsis with the hi's and low's & what you enjoyed along the way.
2013-09-15 19:52:11
Michael, I was just talking about your group to someone this weekend, and wondering if you had started your ride yet. It looks like you'll have good weather, after a slightly wet start this morning. And the temps promise to be moderate. It should be great weather, in other words! Enjoy the trip, and yes, please get back to us on how it went. Including what you thought of the Oakland starting point, the route to the Point and all that. Good luck, and have a great time! Edited to add one word of caution on the GPS linked route above... Fully loaded, your bikes will have a field day with the hill on Bates. Just know going in that the road will be steep, and there is likely to be sand/gravel/debris at the bottom. It's fine to ride, but I'd want to know going in that the hill is pretty steep.
2013-09-16 09:13:43
Oh! Had I seen this when it was posted! I rode inot town (or nearly so) going on Craft and 5th this morning.
2013-09-16 11:47:28