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Happy Hour at Over The Bar, Thursday, July 29th, 6pm sponsored by Walls Are Bad

Hey bikers, cyclists and two-wheeled-rolling-machine enthusiasts,

I've come to know some of you through Flock of Cycles, but for the others that are yet to know me, I am the voice for Walls Are Bad, a group sponsored by Sustainable Pittsburgh focused on trying to get Pittsburgh and its surrounding area outside and enjoying its natural resources.

That said, Walls Are Bad (and its owner, Ginette) is throwing a happy hour at Over The Bar tomorrow at 6pm to celebrate the Sustainability Festival going on at the Art Institute and to celebrate you, the guys that make our job worth it.

Everybody is welcome (and encouraged!) to come and hang out with Walls Are Bad. If you're going to roll by (and we hope you do), feel free to bring some friends that may be interested!

Again, the happy hour is tomorrow at 6pm at OTB. I hope you can all make it! You should come! Seriously!

You can check our sites out here:

Walls Are Bad on Facebook (updated daily with events!

Walls Are Bad on Twitter (Tons of awesome chatter and news!)

Thanks folks.

2010-07-28 14:59:11

Cool. I might make it down for this. It is also cheap satan wings night, for the meat haters.

2010-07-28 15:50:20

Here's a couple of deets:

If you mention Walls Are Bad to the bartender, you'll get a little swag to call your own! For free!

The happy hour - true to its name - lasts from 6pm to 7pm.

2010-07-28 19:03:04

awesome. i'll try to make it!

2010-07-29 03:34:35

ill make it. Ill be the huge fat guy that needs a shave. you wont be able to miss me.

2010-07-29 18:58:03

I go to the Art institute, and the rummage sale going on is awesome, and theres a farmers market too! Stop into Verde Good beans while you're there!

I won't be able to make it to OTB, since 6pm is normally when I go to bed :X

2010-07-29 19:08:21

Had a great time, Saw lolly and said hi. Im sure I saw others but for being a giant im kind of shy. great beer and fantastic new sandwich.

2010-07-30 01:34:27