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High density bicycle storage... real world experience?

At BNYMellon, at least at 525 William Penn Place (I'm not personally familiar with the situation at the main garage), we have very well utilized bike storage on pleasant days. Consider growth in biking and fast forward a season or two and it's clear there needs to be provision for more. I'm being asked to gather information. Who all has an experience with higher than usual density bicycle storage? Vertical, wall mount, double decker or otherwise. There are a lot of criteria obviously. Cost, density, ease of use, non-destructiveness of installation all matter. Security level may differ as well. I'm not sure which matters most in all scenarios, just trying to get the "lay of the land". And there is one out being considered, putting more three rivers racks on the sidewalk. Theoretically that might be the more reasonable way to go since highest needs are on days with good weather, though of course, how many of those will actually be used by employees vs. other downtowners is a question. Not that I'm trying to cut you guys out, just being asked from a BNYMellon centric perspective. What do you think the best way to go might be? How do you think (or suppose) it scores against the listed criteria?
2013-05-28 08:52:04
I park in a locked cage inside of a parking garage downtown. It's two racks high and probably can hold around 90 bikes at capacity. The upper level of racks are very rarely utilized. If you want to check it out, send me a PM and we can set something up.
2013-05-28 09:40:44
Just thinking out loud, it seems to me like a variety of configurations within any one facility would be the best. "Roadies" might like a vertical configuration for the greater protection from damage, while people with heavy tankers would prefer something simple on ground. More 3RRacks is never a bad idea especially for people who just need short term locking.
2013-05-28 10:17:14
Only a month ago, I wrote this blog post on the topic.
2013-05-28 10:47:30