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Hilly near-century out of Connellsville, Saturday 6/26/2010, 10 AM

[x-post from Pgh-Randos]

In order to validate portions of the upcoming 300K and 400K routes, I'm planning on riding Connellsville-->Kentuck Knob-->Ohiopyle-->GAP-->Confluence-->Mt Davis-->Meyerdale-->Rockwood-->Connellsville.

Since it's a fairly long segment (~90-100 hilly miles), I intend to *gasp* drive to the trailhead in Connellsville as a base of operations.

It's a scout, so there will be pauses for note taking and whatnot; I'd expect 7-8-ish hours of riding, with rest stops as needed in Ohiopyle, Confluence, Meyersdale, and Rockwood.

Anyone feelin' ambitious and/or foolhardy? I can throw an extra bike on my car, if pooling is desired.

(BTW: anyone not wearing lycra, sticky shoes, and aero tri-geek helmets will be thrown in the river until they admit the error of their ways.)

2010-06-22 19:56:11

that sounds like a blast. i doubt i'm in shape enough, but i might be willing to give it a try.

2010-06-22 20:36:14

There's a steep bit or two, but, for the most part, I expect long steady grades rather than wall climbing.

Uh, wait. I mean, "it's mostly flat".

2010-06-22 21:12:28

i'm not even sure i can spend that much time in the saddle. my bike and i have taken turns being mostly out of commission all spring long.

2010-06-22 23:02:51

Arrgh... I can't do Saturdays. Otherwise I'd be all over this.

2010-06-23 00:16:36

i will let tomorrow's ride determine if i'm ready. today felt good, but it was quite short.

2010-06-23 04:17:02

Well, let me know. I've got another victim^H^H^H^H^H^Hrider lined up already, so there will be other people to draw off bear attacks and catch the eye of crazed banjo-wielding natives.

2010-06-23 12:36:39

Per HV's request, here's a map of the projected route.

2010-06-23 17:16:15