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Intentional Hit and run- witnesses?

At 12:30pm today I was intentionally struck by an automobile (maroon sedan, possible Chevy with possible scratches on passenger side front) at 1344 Fifth Avenue. Police report was filed as an officer walked up as I was calling 911. EMT called, hospital was visited. Unfortunately I did not get a license plate, although when a car stopped to ask if I was ok, I yelled they should get his plate number, and they sped off. In the event there are security cameras that saw this car, how long do businesses keep them? The driver sped past me driving recklessly back in Oakland.
2021-09-16 19:47:23
Update- plate no longer being searched for. Will reveal more when appropriate.
2021-09-21 21:17:47
Ah!  It sounds like this might be heading to a satisfactory conclusion. It should be "Assault with a deadly weapon" but probably will not be.   The driver should never be allowed to drive again, but he likely will remain on the streets. So, maybe only somewhat satisfactory.
2021-09-21 22:23:30