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KDKA Radio's Mike Pintek is a sick sick man

This language where he says he's daydreamed of maiming or potentially killing is unacceptable.

at around 15:26 he says:

I have been just bump 'em. OK - I have been so pull up behind them.. put my car in neutral and jam the accelerator down, and race the engine to scare the living crap out of them.

lots of teenagers have day dreams of violence against their classmates, and you know what happens when others find out? they go thru psychological screenings

nobody should have the power to be cop, judge and executioner

what would happen if we said that we'd like to sit on Forbes Ave and you know, just take some warning shots to scare the crap out of drivers who are speeding or running red lights.

i know this happens all the time on the radio, but it hasn't really hit home. maybe that means we've finally made it as a bike city now that psychopathic jockeys are calling for our blood. the whole thing seems so weird because he started out on our side, but obviously had this whole rant in mind.

kdka should issue an apology and discipline this loony. ironically, his previous show was about combating distracted driving.

2010-06-18 01:38:37

we need an email/call in campaign similar to what was waged against that jackass from espn earlier this year.

2010-06-18 02:07:42

Call Mary Robb Jackson. Tell her there's a psycho publicly advocating violence on cyclists.

The 'just bump em' line isn't even original... exactly the same thing Kornheiser said 3 months ago. Fuck Pintek.

2010-06-18 02:17:20

I just called the KDKA tv news desk... the operator hadn't heard about this yet, sent me to the KDKA radio Program Director's voicemail (Marshall Adams). His email is

2010-06-18 02:50:26

Wow, he said all that while on the phone with LAB. Aren't you sad he couldn't get ahold of you for an interview Erok?

2010-06-18 02:56:03

It's also nice how he goes on to speculate that when cyclists die on the roads "it's their own fault". Writing email now.

2010-06-18 03:04:08


2010-06-18 03:23:11

the funny thing was, they called that morning to get an interview. we already had an interview, scheduled several days before, for that exact time with WTAE.

then he goes on to imply that we were being elusive.

like, uh, try to schedule an interview ahead time, 'nat

2010-06-18 03:28:44

the whole "deserve it thing" made me sick. justin was riding in the damn bike lane, attacked by people on bikes

2010-06-18 03:43:58

Mr. Adams,

I am writing to express my disgust with comments made by Mike Pintek on his radio show regarding bicyclists. In particular, his statement that he has been "so tempted... sometimes... to just bump 'em" is completely unacceptable. Attacking someone with a vehicle is a Felony in the state of Pennsylvania and I sincerely hope your station does not endorse that type of behavior against anyone.

Furthermore, when his guest Mr. Nesper states that "many cyclists die... in traffic accidents", Mr. Pintek responds with "maybe it's their own fault". I find that to be a ridiculous statement - especially in light of the recent crashes that killed cyclists Don Parker and Tyrique Snowden Hill. Some cyclists are undoubtedly victims of their own mistakes, but many more are killed by careless or reckless drivers while doing absolutely nothing wrong.


Todd Derr

Squirrel Hill

2010-06-18 03:46:21

I haven't listened to the whole thing so I'm not sure how he got from "I enjoy bicycle riding" at the beginning to the typical mindless entitled driver crap about the cyclists breaking all the laws and how when he "comes around a curve on a country road", and they're "in MY lane and they're just lucky they're alive". It's nice how he conveniently forgets about the law about "driving too fast for conditions" and how one of the criteria used to set the speed limit (which he is probably breaking) is the "available corner sight distance" vs the "necessary stopping sight distance". Then from there straight to psychotic daydreams of aggravated assault and finishing up with blaming the victims...

It wouldn't be nearly so irritating if I didn't think the majority of the driving public were sitting there nodding their heads through the whole thing. Yet cyclists are the "arrogant little dorks"?

2010-06-18 03:58:19

I cannot believe this bullshit about him "scratching his head" and wondering what these cyclists did to deserve to be attacked. Makes me see red.

2010-06-18 04:02:47

Started off lame as "Pittsburgh is too hilly to ride a bicycle" Yeah, and doing push ups is hard too, that doesn't mean you can't do them.

Also said that cyclists should "ride in the middle of the street" and he doesn't like when "cyclists are riding in "his lane"

Typical KDKA personnel, doesn't know jack shit about the topic

2010-06-18 04:03:03

It was incredible. He kept referring to bikers wearing "spandex" being "green" and "arrogont". He also didn't seem to have a clue as to the laws governing bikes on the road. Then after saying how he's thought about hitting cyclists he tried to save himself by saying he rides a bike!

Unfortunately, an email barrage will only be a sign to KD managment that he's doing a good job.

2010-06-18 04:12:15

OK, who were/are the advertisers for this show? (You know where I'm going with this...)

2010-06-18 04:14:45

if you listen to the show there are a bunch of ads in the middle.

- kdka morning show promo

- american petroleum institute "public service" ad telling us how the big oil spill is really good for us or something (ha! good luck with that one!)

- webex from cisco

- assured guarantee bond insurance

- aamco (uh oh...)

- bilco volkswagen (strike 3!)

- bob evans restaurant

2010-06-18 04:23:34

My email:

I just had the displeasure of listening to Mike Pintek's "Cyclist

Friendly Pittsburgh" segment.

In the duration of about 15 minutes, he made several assumptions that

were dead wrong, and frankly hostile.

He mentions cyclists being "arrogant" for riding in the middle of the

lane. According to Pennsylvania Driving Law, bicycles are considered

vehicles. Bicycles may be as far into the left of the right lane, as

the operator of the bicycles sees fit.

There are many reasons why a bicycle may be riding in the middle of a

lane. If there are parked cars nearby, there is a three foot "door

zone" where people can open their doors without realizing a cyclists

is coming up and cause a collision for the cyclist. Frequently, the

side of roads are littered with debris such as glass, rocks, branches,

etc, that make riding on the side of the road hazardous.

Cyclists don't ride in the middle of the road because they're

arrogant, they're riding in the middle of the road for their personal


He then went on to mention how these cyclists were in "his lane." As

previously stated, under Pennsylvania Driving Law, bicycles are

considered vehicles and have the same right to be on the road as a car


All this "arrogance" has "tempted him to bump cyclists." From what he

has said, the cyclists in question weren't breaking any laws and even

if they were, how does this radio host come to the idea that the

solution is to HIT a cyclists with his multi-ton vehicle?

I personally have been "bumped" by a motorist who thought I shouldn't

be on the road. I was at a red light behind an 18 wheel truck on

Butler St. The motorist then threatened to "bitch slap" me and drove

off, only to be able to get one car length ahead of me for about a

dozen blocks.

He further goes on to speculate that the deaths of cyclists are the

own cyclists fault. This is especially insulting considering the

recent death of Don Parker who was riding on the SIDE of the road and

was hit by a motorist looking under his dashboard playing with a flip


While hardly possible, he adds insult to injury by insinuating that

the reason cyclists in Pittsburgh have been assaulted is because they

are "arrogant" and "dorky." The cyclists that have been assaulted so

far have been attacked by teenagers, mostly pedestrians, who went out

of their way to attack cyclists.

I am neither dorky nor arrogant. I am simply going to work, getting

around town and just happen to do so on a bicycle.

2010-06-18 04:28:03

email has been sent. this is quite upsetting. what a douche. actually, what a moron.

2010-06-18 09:21:22

I suggest writing the FCC. Advocating violence is grossly offensive, against community standards, and is in no way a legitimate use of public airwaves.

2010-06-18 12:26:39

+1 on FCC complaint.

If Janet Jackson's boob is offensive enough to fine the bejeezus out of a tv station, this is offensive enough to put some hurt on KDKA and Mr. Pintek. Maybe at least ONE of the two will then think twice before publically advocating violence and claiming the victims deserve it.

2010-06-18 12:32:48

I don't know what to say...... this is just a bully-jerk who's trying to get people's interest by being an asshole on radio....

The way I see it, besides this guy being a stupid SOB; it is perhaps fear what he and his buddy-listeners feel. I really think that this Bronze Status awarded to the city really scares some people..... While some people like to be stuck in their archaic ways, things like this mean that the city is changing, that they might become a minority, and instead of welcoming this change, they act like ass-wipes.

Seriously, this is so f'ing offensive after Don Parker's death, and the attacks on riders by the ELB.

2010-06-18 13:32:51

Idea - any chance we could get a cross section of Pgh cyclists to "flock" the station when his show is on? When is he on, morning, like 7:30 am? Set it up in advance and try to get on the air. Like "I'm (insert name), I'm a (job, student), I save puppies in my spare time, and I ride a bike". Show this poo exactly who it is he is suggesting people "nudge".

2010-06-18 13:40:17

what would have been truly amazing is if someone had been 'nudged' during his on air segment... as in they saw a cyclist and nudged them right then. who's to say that couldn't have happened?

2010-06-18 13:49:24

also wasnt KDKA also giving assaults of bikers mad covereage and sympathy? What would happen if this bull was on tv three times a day like those stories? if this is what they are okay with putting this on the air, try putting it out there where everyone can here, jerks.

(not that i want that to happen... just.. think of the contrast of this with other news)

2010-06-18 13:59:06

the funny thing was, they called that morning to get an interview. we already had an interview, scheduled several days before, for that exact time with WTAE.

He must thing you're some dinky organization with nothing better to do than talk to him. Hey, we called them 5 minutes ago and they didn't answer. Guess they don't want to talk.

2010-06-18 14:08:23

Talk radio. Lowest common denominator of the media world.

2010-06-18 14:10:13

Wow. I am angry now. Typical entitled motorist who thinks he does absolutely no wrong. Preparing an email now.

2010-06-18 14:16:43

@Brad "...Talk radio. Lowest common denominator of the media world."

Pretty much yes.... Radio used to mean something, now-a-days is mostly just noise-pollution

2010-06-18 14:20:49

He can't say that he was joking because his show isn't a comedy show. The only thing they are getting out of this is wasted bandwidth from people who never listen to his show, listening to the show and realizing they made the right choice this whole time.

Let's get an apology out of him. It just annoys me so much. I made it 7 miles through the city this morning without running a red light or going the wrong way down a one way. But I did see plenty of people speeding, not stopping, cutting off people walking etc. It's ridiculous. And most of listeners probably sat in their cars and agreed with him and rolled the next stop sign.

2010-06-18 14:21:01

If you’d like to comment on what our talk host is discussing right now, please send us a message via Dollar Bank Instant Access.

You think Dollar Bank would like that he said that?

2010-06-18 14:24:44

Idea..... Could BikePgh pay a one-page newspaper 'advertisement' to:

a) Thank the city and those individuals who have helped Pittsburgh become more bike-friendlier

b) List some of the benefits that people who cycle and commute to work bring to the city and the economy

c) Clarify some of the rumors or wrong assumptions that the community (aka -drivers) might have against cyclers (we could start with the spandex...)

d) Bring attention to the road-ahead to reach the next level in 'bike friendliness' and some of the problems the cycling community is facing right now (like negative media like this ass-wipe on the radio).

This is all meant to be friendly, like 'Hey, thanks, we're here, we're friendly, and we are not going a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e"


It could be a page or half/page advertisement at the (2) major newspapers (PG and Trib), City Paper, and have links to a web version here on the BikePgh web.

2010-06-18 14:31:31

@ lyle suggest writing the FCC. Advocating violence is grossly offensive, against community standards, and is in no way a legitimate use of public airwaves.

Does the FCC have a policy about advocacy of violence? Does anyone have information about where to email for something like this?

I've rather see a boob fall out of a dress than listen to some boob talk about running over cyclists. Is that just me?


2010-06-18 14:42:52

So I can't find the audio on KDKA radio blog. Did they take it down in response?

2010-06-18 14:50:04

I am one of the few that's willing to give Mike Pintek a pass on this one.I also heard his radio broadcast and I believe everyone is blowing it waaaay out of proportion.He's also a fellow bicyclist, having met him cycling with his girlfriend, on the southside and Montour trails.Sometimes we,including myself,cycle carelessly and create hazard with motorists.It's not always motorists that are to blame when there's a close call with fellow cyclists,although the majority of the time I believe the mororist is at fault.How often has anyone stated they would like to kill someone when they only meant it figuratively and not literally.He probably did have some close calls with cyclists in the past and he's just venting.He's a fellow cyclist too and I'm willing to give him some slack.

2010-06-18 14:51:44

Lenny, the problem is, even tho you may give him some slack, he has the ear of a lot of people that may take what he says literally. While he may just not have been thinking about the consequences of what he was saying, it may prompt others to behave more aggressively around cyclist.

Kinda like spiderman.. great power, great responsibility.

2010-06-18 14:54:17

I won't give him a pass on this one at all. If he would have let the caller talk and not made himself and car drivers out to be the good ones maybe. He is reenforcing a stereotype to his listeners and advocating that maybe if you're not as moral as him that it might be OK to bump a cyclist to scare them.

Attempting to embed the segment here did not work. Here is the link to the MP3,

2010-06-18 14:56:19

I have the MP3 saved if they end up taking that down as well.

2010-06-18 14:58:32

What Pintek said is pretty repulsive, you won't get the FCC to budge. Has anyone ever heard the types of things that Michael Savage has said, regarding what should be done to anyone who doesn't meet his standards for a conservative?

I've been calling Pintek since I was about 12, usually pranks, though sometimes he gets on my nerves to the point where I'll have to debate him. About two weeks ago, he tried to argue with me that Christians are an oppressed minority in America.

The best course of action is to target his station and his advertisers... but given KDKA's target demographic (the elderly, who are unlikely to change habits), I think most action is unfortunately going to fall on deaf ears.

2010-06-18 15:02:47

Repulsive is right. It's a shame that attitudes and habits of most lazy jerks will never change. The most we can do is keep riding, keep behaving well, keep increasing the visibility. It is definitely a "we're not going anywhere" kind of time right now.

I'm not super impressed by the press coverage of the attacks either - what Pintek picked up on and exploited in his radio piece is the unfortunate characteristic of most of the attacks - that it is just kids screwing around with us. From my 30 minute interview with Anthony Fenech where I described the violent assault on my wife and I he picks out "Just fooling around" from my description. Yeah, these kids are out "fooling around" by VIOLENTLY ASSAULTING PEOPLE on bikes. Getting your message out in the news is a double-edged sword, for sure.

2010-06-18 15:13:20

Also, while I thought that the whole bumping cyclists thing was absolutely awful, I thought the the segment about how the cyclists who were attacked must have done something to deserve it was WAY worse.

2010-06-18 15:23:15

Turns out my wife went to high school with the program director. She sent him a more personal note.

2010-06-18 15:30:54

can kdka be held culpable in any way if a motorist decides to "just bump" one of us?

2010-06-18 15:35:49

I feel like this quote bears repeating in light of this event.

"At first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."


It's pretty apparent that we're really starting to move into the "fight" phase, which on a basic level at least seems to stand for progress.

2010-06-18 16:14:31

What Pintek said is pretty repulsive, you won't get the FCC to budge

They have to track complaints of obscenity, don't they? I think advocating killing and maiming people is obscene. But maybe I'm unusual.

2010-06-18 16:14:49

hey guys, don't know if you know this lady (I don't), or her blog, but I read it all the time, and she's got a little blurb on both thi DJ's remarks and the transit.

thought maybe y'all might be interested.

2010-06-18 16:26:41

i am still listening to it... i cant believe he is saying that just because they were taunted means the bicyclist did something to warrant it.

does this dude have an email?

2010-06-18 16:27:16

i still have thefile up and open on my computer, so if there is anyway i can save it and keep it for the record, let me know how.

2010-06-18 16:29:43

that link works! ha-HA

2010-06-18 16:31:03

You should be able to right click the link you just posted, and "Save As..." or whatever your browser's variation of that is.

2010-06-18 16:31:46

Emailing pintek is pointless. It just proves that people listen to him. Don't feed the trolls.

I would encourage everyone to take their attention to the competition instead. Don't call KDKA radio shows about this, don't give them official interviews. Controversy draws listeners, listeners drive advertising revenues, ratings keep radio hosts on the air. So take those ratings to his competition instead.

2010-06-18 16:32:18

A comment on the PGH is a city blog says, "after calling marshall adams, KDKA's program director, to file a complaint about these statements, i was informed that mike pintek will be addressing this issue on his program on monday at noon."

Edit - the post above mine wasn't on the screen when I started typing. D'oh.

2010-06-18 17:10:01

So basically what we're being told, "help us increase our ratings on Monday, and this blowhard will continue to mock and belittle you."

2010-06-18 17:22:47


2010-06-18 17:23:08

I nominate, hmmm, timito and Dbacklover to be his on air guests Monday to see if he has any, you know, "questions".

2010-06-18 17:27:23

let's make a poll of what he will say.

"I wasn't actually advocating injuring cyclists though you have to admit that they do sometimes deserve it! But I want to be clear that I was in no way stating that we should be driving into cyclists"

2010-06-18 17:32:29

"This is entertainment people."

2010-06-18 17:33:56

They have officially asked me to be on the show on Monday. I have a very busy day already that day, but I may be able to move things around depending.. Let's take a quick poll. Who thinks I should accept, and who thinks I should decline? I agree with Lyle, but this could be a way to educate people out there.

2010-06-18 17:34:35

"Now, yinz have to understand that I was only reporting what I _wanted_ to do, not what I _should_ do. I just wanted to tell you how I sometimes feel."

"Some of my best friends are cyclists."

"My listeners are smart enough to know when I'm just kidding around."

2010-06-18 17:36:42


Well scott, you will have to perfect talking over a person if you do go on. I would say you erok lou and lolly need to figure out sort of nonsense he is going to ask you/talk at you and how to deflect it and be ready for it.

i wish they could give you more context.. i mean he said all that shite to a national org. is he going to just go to you to say the same things??

2010-06-18 17:40:11 Scott's question.

It feels a bit like rewarding the dude for being an @$$hat.

But, on the other hand, a surge in ratings in response to a cycling advocate being on the air is not necessarily a bad thing...and, if there's no change in ratings, there's no benefit to Pintek. Either way, it seems like a win.

2010-06-18 17:40:27

i mean it isnt the am radio show's perogative to ever appologize, thats for sure

2010-06-18 17:41:19

maybe you can invite pintek to ride some city streets with us. ill take him on a tour of the east end at night and i am sure he will be totally comfortable.

2010-06-18 17:42:31

well, if you are able to clear your schedule to go on you need to be waaay more prepared than the LAB guy. He wasn't able to deflect or speak fast enough for that kind of talk radio rant and really failed to steer the comments away from harming cyclists. I don't know if he was just being overly cautious about not standing up to the host or what.

Being on the show and getting steamrolled is way worse than just not showing up.

2010-06-18 17:45:02

i wrote about it on my blog, reimagine an urban paradise, which is completely unofficial and not at all related to my staffliness at bike pittsburgh.

someone named adam made the same comment on my blog and pgh is a city so it might be damage control. ""after calling marshall adams, KDKA's program director, to file a complaint about these statements, i was informed that mike pintek will be addressing this issue on his program on monday at noon."

one of my roommates wrote a great letter which i also have up on my site if you'd like to use it as a sample to modify and send to marshall adams.

Or change it up and send letters to the editor of the trib and post-gazette. even if they are unrelated media, people need to know.

2010-06-18 18:06:13

I feel like Scott should go... otherwise it might look like either :

a) we/cyclers are too pedantic to show up,

b) not 'brave enough' to defend our outrage and point of view with him on person,

c )we accept that kind of on-radio slander against cycling....

I don't care how much he says that he was just joking, or just to create controversy and increase ratings.. ...what he said was definitely wrong and not cool at all....

2010-06-18 18:15:11

It may be worth going on just to clear up all his crazy half-truths and stupid assumptions regarding cyclists, the law (which he got totally wrong), how many of us pride ourselves on actually following said law, and the senseless UNDESERVED beatings and harassment we are exposed to on a daily basis. I'm surprised the LAB didn't correct him on any of these points.

Even if you take his own anecdotes, he is clearly in the wrong. If you are driving down a windy road, and come around a corner so fast you are incapable of breaking for something in the roadway, you are almost certainly exceeding the legal speed limit. Cyclists are moving in the same direction you are, so that should increase braking time compared to say a deer, fallen tree, broken down car, etc.

The challenging bit is you have to somehow speak over the windbag and not let him keep cutting you off like he did with the LAB guy.

2010-06-18 18:33:29

Even when Lance Armstrong went on that other guy's show to chastise him for similar statements, it came off much too non-confrontational to me. People have to make the connection that this isn't just about being PC. This is about someone you know that bicycles on the roads, and you're telling your listening audience to mow them down in cold blood. That other radio host told Lance his daughter biked. The obvious question is "how would you feel if someone took your advice the other day when she was out there biking?"

One other thing. I'd love to know why these shows never feel it necessary to publish an apology when something totally out of bounds happens. Just saying it on-air is so transient.

2010-06-18 18:38:03

I listened to the entire show and I'm not willing to give Mr. Pintek a pass on this.

The FCC prohibits broadcasting "threatening or intimidating statements about an individual or group".

There is an online form for submitting your complaint:

Select "broadcast" and on the next page, select "Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)".

It takes about 3 minutes to fill the form out.

My friends who work with the FCC said that the complaints ARE reviewed (although if many people complain about the same broadcast it gets more attention.)

KDKA 1020 will have to answer the questions from the FCC investigator (they will need to pay an attorney for this), and if the FCC investigator concurs that the broadcast was threatening, KDKA will have to pay a fine.

2010-06-18 18:38:49

I don't think Bike PGH should waste their time talking to this guy.

He's not looking to be informed, he's looking for somebody to say "Yeah, you're right, cyclists are arrogant dorks that shouldn't be in your lane" just like he did with the League of American Bicyclists guy.

If he's really interested in learning about cycling in Pittsburgh have him stop over by the office, have him ride with FoC or something. Talking to him on a radio show doesn't seem like its going to be productive.

2010-06-18 18:53:03

damien, thanks.

At what time did this program actually air?

2010-06-18 19:02:25

It's not him who is important but his audience.

2010-06-18 19:13:48

I think it aired on June 17, in the 12-3pm time slot.

2010-06-18 19:16:33

I filed an FCC complaint. Seems more useful than contacting the automobile/oil companies sponsoring his show, or his program manager that must be elated he is getting so many email messages.

2010-06-18 19:25:26

Anyone who goes on a talk radio show is not going as an equal. It's the host's home turf, and his favorite format. Nobody ever wins going up against a talk show host. You can't talk over a radio host unless he lets you -- he controls the mic. He even has a 7-second delay loop so he can edit you out AFTER THE FACT.

Would you step into a boxing ring for a friendly sparring match with Mike Tyson?

The downside of not going, is that it lets him play the victim. "Gee, we invited Bike Pittsburgh, but they wouldn't come! Arrogant pricks!"

I recommend taking that card away from them by going on Griffin's show instead. Tell them how busy your schedule is.

But if you are going to step into an arena where the rules are slanted against you, then you need to change the rules. That will not be easy. First you have to understand what the rules are -- what he expects you to do. Then you have to not do it. Keep everything on your terms, all the time.

Second, you have to understand that you are so much weaker than he is, but you are not without strengths. You need to find that strength and use it. Weakness can be a strength. By the same token, some of the things that he thinks are his strengths, might be his weaknesses too.

That mic button, that delay loop, the ad hominem attacks, the begged questions, the quick changes of subject -- he thinks those are strengths. Your challenge is to find a way to use those to handicap him. One way, perhaps not the best way, is to see when he is cheating, and call him on it right away. "Mike, you just asked me when I stopped beating my wife. That's cheating, and I won't play your game. You asked me to come here to increase your ratings and bring you listeners. If you want me to be here, play fair."

That requires:

Third. In any public speaking setting, it is imperative to understand your audience. Pintek is not your audience. Bike Pittsburgh is not your audience. Pintek's listener's are your audience. Once you know who THEY are, then

Fourth: find a wedge to divide him from his audience, or a part of it. One way to do this is to find common cause with motorcyclists. Some of pintek's audience will be the Harley crowd. You may not be a motorcyclist yourself, but many members of bike pittsburgh, and many bicyclists, are also motorcyclists. Motorcyclists know what it's like to have someone in a car try to squeeze by unsafely. Motorcyclists know that you have to "ride big" to prevent it. They know what it's like to be invisible. You can use that. I might write more about this later.

If you divide him from his audience, then you win.

Finally -- and this is something that I know you are good at -- stick to your talking points.

1. Threatening people with your car is assault with a deadly weapon. "just scaring people" IS assault.

2. "First come first served" is such a simple rule that even children understand it.

3. Bullies are cowards. They never threaten people bigger than them.

4. Cyclists don't delay motorists. Motorists delay motorists. Those traffic jams every morning on the parkway are caused by people NOT bicycling. More people on bikes means less traffic, means you get where you're going faster.

5. Fuel taxes don't pay for the roads - income taxes do. Paying for the roads doesn't give anyone a superior right to the road, else the only road users would be tractor-trailers.

... More?

2010-06-18 20:02:36

Any press is good press. If people are talking about cyclists on the roads, then people are thinking about cyclists on the roads. People thinking about cyclists is a good thing.

I say go on the show.

Otherwise, it is a one-sided story.

2010-06-18 20:30:22

go on the show and take another BikePGH staffer with you. 2v1.

2010-06-18 20:46:25

You should reschedule on your terms. :)

2010-06-18 20:50:02

I'd follow Mr. Livestrong: have cyclists place pressure on him and KDKA, wait for his contrition and then accept HIS invitation to YOU.

A bunch of folks with reasonable gripes can follow Damien's suggestions and let Big Brudder make an appearance at their station.

2010-06-18 21:03:57

I vote for sending Lyle to do the show :)

2010-06-18 21:10:34

Scott, I would like to see you go on Pinhead's show. People need to know that bike riders are a political force.

(OOPS! I meant "Pintek," of course. So sorry.)

Um... Salty's list of the advertisers if an important point.

My guess is that in talk radio, the advertisers aren't really paying to promote their products. They are paying to support the rise of a political veiwpoint.

The list of advertisers Salty posted? Health, individual freedom, supporting the environment, and responsible behavior by corporations are not likely to be high on their priority list.

2010-06-18 21:37:58


i think you should go on the show. my advice: before hand you should come up with 4 or 5 really good points. memorize these. then no matter what he says or asks you just pick one of these things to shout out and repeat. this is not a forum for conversation. make sure you don't ever agree with him on anything: he's a bad person. finally, i would really like it if the first thing you say to him is to demand an apology.

2010-06-19 01:26:45

Beyond an apology. It's well within our right to notify the FCC. I've done a little digging around and it'd actually more likely than you'd think that this would get investigated and kdka coul receive a nice little fine for that program. If we care Bout such things.

Also I've got the gm of kdka's contact info if anyone needs.

2010-06-19 14:04:26

Scott, I think that if you plan to go on his show and shame him for what he has said, then you should do it. I think going on and trying be nice like Lance Armstrong did, won't benefit us all that much. I think you should also take Lyle with you. After talking to him in person a few times, he is not one I would want to argue with.

I would considers his comments to be thoughts of terrorism. If they were aimed at any other group, I don't they would be tolerated.

2010-06-19 14:16:03

i think you should bring justin with you, and ask him in person if justin deserved it.

i also think we should all call in and throw a few softballs scott's way, all the while disguising ourselves as ignorant motorists.

2010-06-19 14:33:51

What time of day did/does this show air? If it was after dark, KDKA's signal goes from Newfoundland to Florida to Iowa.

Whatever you say, Scott or Lyle or whoever, just keep in mind that this really a national program, not just Pittsburgh.

2010-06-19 14:43:34

Turns out this show aired mid-day, so that particular concern is nullified.

Still, KDKA's 50-kilowatt signal makes it about the strongest signal on the AM band. In metro Pgh, you can get KDKA on any radio, anywhere in the area.

2010-06-19 15:56:28

Wow you guys are real champions of free speech huh? Note the words you guys are calling the thought police on him for aren't an avocation of anything. Just a statement of how he felt at a moment of time. I guess we should use the power of the government against people who express opinions we don't like.

2010-06-19 16:02:23

Oh boy, here we go.

2010-06-19 16:06:10

Damn, dude, it's like a script! Ha, ha!

2010-06-19 16:10:03

No, Hermit. Just against people who use public facilities to advocate deeply, deeply anti-social activities. If you want to speak freely from your own stump, then I'll speak freely against you from mine. But the public airwaves are not a privately owned printing press.

2010-06-19 16:36:54

Hermit, what if on this same radio show he had said "you know, i really wish i could shoot a gun just to the left of a cyclist's head, just to scare the living crap out of him." ? Would you still be sticking up for him or would you cringe and say to yourself, you know, that's really sick? I should hope the latter.

2010-06-19 17:47:55

Really who hasn't had homicidal or even just anti social fantasies? Should he be dishonest about it and not admit that he thought that. I mean it's simply stating a fact.In not advocacy of an action.

2010-06-19 17:56:10

If you have homicidal fantasies, you need to talk to a doctor. You go be honest with him. Seriously.

Not everything that goes through your head needs to be shared with the world. We learned this in kindergarten. Your "it's simply stating a fact" is pure sophistry, just like "I was just waving my hands around, it's not MY fault his face got in the way of my hand!"


2010-06-19 19:17:34

Hermit, what and where do you ride? I'm genuinely curious.

2010-06-19 23:17:05

Intro thread, Hermit's turn.

2010-06-19 23:41:52

Interesting... Brad from Eyetique is a friend of mine (and he's a cyclist) - I'll send him an email.

2010-06-20 03:57:57

I'm not sure that going on his show is a great idea. He has a "home court" advantage there, and is likely to exploit it in every way possible. The man is a professional blow-hard. That means that he has hours of practice, every day, belittling others, making them come off poorly in interviews, etc.

Responding to his behavior by appearing on his show (and likely providing a reason for others who would not normally listen to do so on Monday) rewards his bad behavior with a free guest and better ratings. Okay, that's to his benefit, but what's the benefit to the cycling community? If his usual audience accepts this sort of rant, then they aren't likely to be sympathetic, and I doubt that an appearance on the show would change any minds.

I think it'd be cool if Bike Pgh issued a statement to the effect that the original comments are obviously deplorable, and that Bike Pgh will not appear on his show and provide him with the associated ratings bump. In other words, make it clear that Bike Pgh does not need this guy, but that he needs Bike Pgh.

2010-06-20 14:17:57

i agree with JZ.

2010-06-20 14:36:07

i think hallie and lyle's advice for going on the show is good.

JZ's makes a reasoned argument too.

i'd like to invite pintek to come onto the messageboard.

lenny, you know him? invite him on

2010-06-20 15:11:48

then when he doesn't show, we can take his same idiotic high horse and say "We invited Mike Pentek, but..."

2010-06-20 15:12:36

Maybe instead of appearing on his show, we organize a community meeting or panel about this and have him defend his words in person.

It's easy to be an asshole on the radio, but less easy to advocate anti-bicyclist violence while staring at the faces of 1200 bike pittsburgh members.

2010-06-20 15:49:49


2010-06-20 16:43:40

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.


and by that time no one was left to speak up."

- Pastor Martin Niemoller

People like Pintek and his followers will interpret silence as either agreement or lack of conviction. If we do not speak up for ourselves who will?

(Disclaimer for the wingnuts: I offer the above in the spirit of a lesson in the dangers of silence in the face of oppression not as an equation of cyclists in Pitt with Jews during the Holocaust)

2010-06-20 17:23:02

Scott--Perhaps you've made a decision, but I vote that you do go on the show. Lyle makes many good points about preparation. Have a list of talking points in front of you and refer to it constantly. If they allow it, you can't do wrong by bringing a friend (Bike Pittsburgh staff or member).

2010-06-21 00:05:05

This school was just asking for it, wearing its lycra and taking the lane.

2010-06-21 03:59:18

If you do go on I would print out some of the offending quotes so you can repeat them when he says "I don't remember the specifics of what I said."

2010-06-21 13:25:15

JZ, apparently the vehicle was driving itself because no mention of it having a driver.

*edit, it does mention a driver at the very end.

2010-06-21 13:27:52

here are some of his quotes:

I’ve gotta tell you they’ve been times when I’ve come around a curve on a country road and you’ve got three of em abreast in MY lane and they’re just lucky they’re alive. Because, am I WRONG?

There are some bicyclists who are just these arrogant little dorks that think they can do anything they want because they’re on a bicycle and ‘we’re being green and environmentally friendly”…

I have been thoroughly tempted — I haven’t done it cuz I’m not going to do it — I’m not that kind of person… but I have been so tempted to just bump em.

I have been so tempted to pull up behind them when they’re doing this — you know spread out across the road — put my car in neutral, jam the accelorator down, race the engine, and scare the living crap out of them.

They’ve got to stop being so arrogant about what they’re doing. They’ve got to obey the rules. they have to do the right thing or else they’re going to get killed.

2010-06-21 13:31:40

My wife knows the program director from high school and she sent him a note last week. They called her and they are trying to get in touch with Bike PGH staff to setup an interview at 1pm today. I sent an email to Scott and to info at bike-pgh dot org as well.

They are looking for other callers.

2010-06-21 14:17:00

Hey everyone, I'm scheduled to go on Friday at 1:05pm.

2010-06-21 14:34:03

What a happy accident that your interview would fall on a Car-Free-Friday!

Give'em hell, n'stuff. Or not.

2010-06-21 14:49:21

No matter what, blame it on Pelosi.

2010-06-21 15:12:03

^ lol

2010-06-21 15:20:58

Anyone want to talk to him today?

2010-06-21 15:21:50

As I mentioned above, I sent a pointer to this thread to Brad at Eyetique (who has featured Pintek in an ad); he asked me to post this here for him:

Eyetique has run in the neighborhood of one thousand local and national celebrities, we, of course, hope that they are upstanding citizens and at the time of the shoot they are heavily screened. As for Mike Pintek, our position will always be for the biking community, as a former board member of PTAG, and owner of a company that totally supports any and all bike related issues, I am as appalled by his statements as all of you. As for the biking commuters, messengers, mountain, road, unicycles, and whatever other form of pedal power you support, I stand behind you. Thanks and keep riding.

Brad Childs

Executive Vice President


2010-06-21 15:28:53

I tried my hand at being interviewed and I sucked.

2010-06-21 15:30:21

Calling on the phone is even worse than being in the studio. Never call a radio host on the phone unless it's to agree.

2010-06-21 15:32:35

Damn, I wish I needed some glasses.

No I don't.

2010-06-21 15:46:11

streetsblog covered mike pintek today. if you haven't read streetsblog before you should rss it and read it often.

2010-06-21 15:54:58

i just thought that with all the talk of bumping cyclists, this image should be an important part of the conversation

2010-06-21 15:57:52

seriously though... what would bumper bike do?

inquiring minds want to know.

2010-06-21 16:09:08

bumper bike swoon! +1 erok

2010-06-21 16:09:18

Chris Potter is on now. My wife is going on after as a concerned wife. Send her some love.

2010-06-21 16:21:49

Listening right now, your wife is doing very well!!!

2010-06-21 16:53:20

that was nice.

scott bricker of ride pittsburgh is up later this week!

2010-06-21 17:02:36

I love how the callers targeted her like she was saying anything outrageous.

2010-06-21 17:11:44

Like the guy asking "how much do you pay to register your bike...." She handled things very well!

As far as the "how much to register your bike..." thing goes, people ask me that all the time.

2010-06-21 17:21:21

She did a good job. Very intelligent and calm. That one caller and his rant on bikers on Butler St. was something else.

2010-06-21 17:56:13

i feel like that butler street caller was talking about me... butler street is insane... its the only street where i feel like there are no rules

2010-06-21 18:05:50

i like to pretend the rule for riding on butler street (inbound, anyway) is that you have to stay on top of the hump.

2010-06-21 18:33:51

The hump is awesome in the winter when there is snow on the ground.

2010-06-21 18:39:00

I feel like the Butler street guy was Timito taking the role of a driver! And I mean that in the most friendly way possible.

2010-06-21 18:47:16

What did the Butler St. caller say?

Is the audio from this broadcast available anywhere?

2010-06-21 18:47:29

He said da bikers on Butler St don't follow no rules and dat he paid for his car registration and insurance and Monica didn't.

Can't find the broadcast posted online.

2010-06-21 18:52:03

Send them a dmca takedown notice :)

It especially pisses me off when all my photos are CC licensed, and people still rip them off, give no credit, and then add their own copyright. Yours is now "© 2010 CBS Radio"

2010-06-21 18:58:44

please to being deposit $1 into my offshore bank account for the use of my WWBBD meme.

I'll have my accountant, a Nigeria prince, contact you for further instructions.


2010-06-21 19:05:45

I just did a google images search for peabody high school, and your photo turned up halfway down the page. That's probably how they found it. Too funny.

2010-06-21 19:08:32

i also just realized that KDKA radio has dimitri vassilaros on there.

he wrote one of the first pittsburh articles (that i was aware of since paying attention to this stuff) that trashed cyclists, way back in 2002, for the trib

2010-06-21 19:08:36

That article is all kinds of wrong. I don't even know where one would start. The speeding tickets paying for roads bit is a gem though: "Cars, trucks and motorcycles pay for our roads...", "He pays dearly if he gets a speeding ticket..." Oh man, damn government keeps charging me so much money for breaking the law! How dare they!

2010-06-21 19:16:23

That's the problem with these old folks today: it's all about me, me, me; i've paid enough to do whatever i want - the system is rigged to my benefit, and if it isn't, then there will be hell to pay...

Nearly all of the fees, fines and taxes listed by Mr. Dinosaur are to counteract or mitigate the inherent risk of and the damage one may inflict by operating a motor vehicle.

There was a vehicle over the weekend that had crashed into a school. It was apparently traveling 80 mph. I've crashed many times, and I have yet to damage anything other than myself and my bike.

2010-06-21 19:24:16

You mean you can't knock holes in brick buildings with your 10-speed? I think you're doing it wrong.

2010-06-21 19:29:33

I remember that article! Is it that long ago, geez? I wrote a leter to the paper in response. But one of the letters that was published was written by a Pitt neurosurgeon that demolished Vassilaros. DV actually wrote an email response to everyone who wrote that was the most apologetic I have ever seen from a wingnut, you could sense the rear end pain in the text. Good times.

2010-06-21 20:47:27

woah, do I have garbage in my eyes or did i seriously just read those words in that article. unfreakinreal.

2010-06-22 04:49:17

woah, just got back from the forest to this?

2010-06-22 07:51:35

Did anyone go on the Mike Pintek show yesterday,(monday)to dispute the remarks what Pintek had to say about cyclists?? I couldn't listen to the show because I was at work.Is their anyway we could listen to the show and did he apologize??

2010-06-22 09:21:35

Lenny, see above.

He did sort of apologize. He said it was a stupid thing to say and he should have been smarter.

2010-06-22 16:17:06

FCC replied to my complaint sending me a PDF about the freedom of speech.

Oh well. I guess I am free to fantasize about the murder of any person or group I want on the public airwaves.

2010-06-23 16:48:56

Ha ha. But don't say the word shit or else you're going to get fined.

2010-06-23 16:56:05

Right, just like you can show some gruesome violence in gory detail with no problem, but don't let a boob slip out or someone will call in the troops.

2010-06-23 17:02:52

Plenty of boobs on the radio, though. Of the male variety. Starting with Pintek.

2010-06-23 17:16:56


2010-06-23 19:03:09

Ejwme - that has been my philosophy on life since i was 12.


2010-06-23 19:31:14

Scott was just on but I missed it. They had a few callers after he left asking about registration fees for bikes and one ignorant woman said that she was taught to ride her bike on the opposite side of the road like you do when you're walking. Said it was safer.

2010-06-25 17:51:53

rsprake: Actually in one of those "letter to the editor" responses to the Don Parker story, one man identifying himself as in his late 60's and a part-time cyclist ALSO said that he felt that bikes should be riding on the opposite side of the road like pedestrians. He said that when he was coming up that that was how he was taught.

I think the only case where that makes sense is where there's only one sidewalk (to ride on) on the side of the road, otherwise, it's an awful idea.

2010-06-25 18:55:52

When I was in middle school, I read a book on bicycle touring. The book was old at the time and may have been from the 1930's. It recommended the opposite side of the road as well.

When I did do a 30 miles trip on US rt 40, I kept to the right side, though.

The recommendation is puzzling.

I think for pedestrians, being on the wrong side of the road means that you can see how the approaching cars are driving. When I walk on certain country roads, I get off the damn road when a car comes.

Bailing isn't as easy on a bike.

Maybe that recommendation had something to do with headlights being standard on bikes, but not taillights? Streets in the early/mid 20th century were typically so dark that headlights were for seeing more than being seen.

Maybe the against-traffic recommendations were made by folks that didn't know a damn thing about cycling? I laugh at the thought that recommendation could have come from Americans misinterpretting British bicycle books, and propagating it in US literature: "Be sure to ride your bike on the left!"

2010-06-25 19:30:39

the guy looks like he's in pain and is not only not wearing a helmet, it doesn't appear that he has pants on either

2010-06-25 19:36:13

Ha ha. People are bringing up things they were taught by their misinformed parents like they are fact and use them as excuses to treat people on bikes poorly. No wonder everyone thinks we are breaking the law, they all think we are on the wrong side of the road!

2010-06-25 19:38:09

Erok - the guy looks like he's in pain and is not only not wearing a helmet

Helmets were rare in biking until the 80's.

I tried to find out when they made the first foam mushroom helmets by looking at the "Bicycle Helmet" entry in Wiki.

If the analysis in Wiki on the safety benefits (or lack thereof) of helmets is accurate, then maybe I want to give up the helmet.

Sometime, I'll have to check the sources for that article. I have an MS in public health statistics and I like to think of myself as competent at evaluating research.

Intuitively, I'd guess helmets are safer. There are articles that claim they are. There seems to be a fair amount of rational dispute about that, though.

2010-06-25 20:03:38

There seems to be a fair amount of rational dispute about that, though.

Dwarfed by several orders of magnitude by the amount of irrational dispute, methinks.

Although it might be best taken offline, I would be genuinely interested in hearing your take on the research, Mick, as I'm not qualified to evaluate it in any meaningful sense.

2010-06-25 20:16:40

Although it might be best taken offline, I would be genuinely interested in hearing your take on the research, Mick

me too.

2010-06-25 20:50:55

I'll start another thread. This doesn't belong in the "Pinheads are sick" thread.

I'll post some links to abstracts and articles - both pro and anti-. Maybe a few choice quotes or a summary for some.

Although this is not reported in the scientific literature and my evidence is all personal and aneecdotal, I have two prelimary conclusions.

1) Failure to wear a helmet will dramatically increase the risk of a mature bicyclist being scolded like a child by ignorant car drivers

2) In middle-aged academic men, wearing a bicycle helmet can cause excessively pretty dutch women who ride bicycles in pleather mini-skirts to laugh at you.

Oddly enough, these may turn out to be the determining factors for where and when I might forgoe helmet use.

2010-06-25 21:16:38

i got the pdf about free speech too, in my snailmailbox

2010-06-26 22:36:45

I'm sure they're all about free speech until it turns to "kill the dj", then I'll bet it would be a different tune.

2010-06-27 01:52:59

Burn down the gas pumps

Hang the blessed DJ

Because the drivel that they constantly spew


Hang the blessed DJ

Because the drivel they constantly spew

On the East Side Streets that you slip down

Provincial towns you bike 'round




2010-06-27 03:54:55

Exactly, Moz.

2010-06-27 04:33:55

I got scolded by my chiropractor for riding on the "wrong" side of the road (with traffic). He said if he were FORCED to ride a bike on the road, there's no way he'd ride with traffic, 'cause he couldn't see what was coming at him. He's a nice guy, and actually listens when I talk, so I pointed out two things (my "money and death" elevator speech):

1) Money - he's breaking the law, which could put him at fault in an accident and cost him money for his injuries, the car, and anything else that's damaged (I'm not sure if this is strictly true, but given insurance, public, and law enforcement attitudes towards cyclists in general, I'm guessing this is effectively true). Nevermind a moving violation on a bike, which you can get when there is no accident.

2) Death - if he's going 20mph, and the car that hits him is going 35 mph in the OPPOSITE direction (case where he's on the wrong side), that's a naked (unprotected by metal box) impact at 55mph. If he's on the right side of the road and a car going 35 hits him, that's a naked impact at 15mph. Which would he prefer?

He said "well, I'm glad nobody will force me to ride a bike then, 'cause I still would ride against traffic - so I can see them." This strikes me a little like the "I don't wear seatbelts because I don't trust them and I'll just brace myself against the dash if there's an accident" argument.

He understood the logic, but made the decision based on fear (of lack of control). The way most irrational decisions are made, far as I can see. He's a good chiropractor, though.

2010-06-27 14:09:17

Has your chiropractor ever heard of MIRRORS?

2010-06-27 17:12:15

That reinforces my feelings about chiropractors.

2010-06-27 18:02:39

i agree with ndromb.Chiropractors are legalized medical quacks!!

2010-06-27 18:56:41

it is hard for me to not scoff at patients when they say that their chiropractors "could always realign [their] severely arthritic hips".

2010-06-27 19:21:20

oh man, i so didn't want to be the one to say it, but learn how to crack your own neck and then go to an actual doctor if you need more!

2010-06-27 19:50:31

I'm too scared to crack my own neck, I'm... not the gentlest person around. All I know is I couldn't look left, and it was getting worse. I walked in after work one day when I'd had enough, snap crackle pop, I can look left. Have been able to look in all direction since. I'm not looking for a cure for cancer or a chronic condition, but he helped me look left when I couldn't. He's a nice guy in general, too, a good neighbor.

edited to add - sorry for driving this so far off topic. it was pretty far off before i chimed in, though.

2010-06-27 21:07:49

Had just the opposite experience with a chiro than you Ejwme.Will try to keep this simple and short.Was involved in a car accident and couldn't move my neck.Went to a chiro and it was my biggest mistake!! He made my neck injury even worse after repeatedly having me come to him.Finally got better by going to an Orthopedic Physician and told me a professional masseuse would have probably been just as good ,if not better.Told me to stay away from any Chiropractors and said they're "legalized medical Quacks"

2010-06-27 22:43:16

it is hard for me to not scoff at patients when they say that their chiropractors "could always realign [their] severely arthritic hips".

i've never heard this one, but i've seen an awful lot of arthritic hips (mostly in ct scans) and i can't even imagine how that would work, or what they would even mean.

2010-06-28 03:30:55

I had major back problems for a couple of years. It got so bad that I couldn't go to work on some days. No biking, no long walks AT ALL. I went to five different doctors (GP physicians), and they all told me to take some OTC painkillers and I'd feel better "soon", I kept explaining that I'd been this way for more than a year, and I didn't think that a couple of ibuprofen were going to do jack, but they didn't care.

I found a good chiro and went for regular treatments for a couple of months. That cleared the problem up. Now, I only go back to him a a couple of times a year, if I happen to be feeling bad, mainly to nip any potential problems in the bud. I bike, walk, do yardwork, etc.

If you've never experienced severe back pain, and you've never been to a chiro, then I'm not sure on what basis you're concluding that, as a category, they are quacks.

2010-06-28 15:41:57

When I worked in the dean's office of the medical school, the word was that some chiro's are highly helpful professionals and some are quacks.

Undoubtably true. Hard for it not to be.

The word in the dean's office was also that any MD is highly professional. Clearly wrong.

If a chiropractor is recommended by some other kind of professional, then he is probably good. A family physician, a physical therapist, an orthopedic surgeon - anyone else who is liable to see mistakes chiros make is good.

If a chiropractor works in a practice with physicians (very rare), then he is probably good.

You also want to avoid surgeons for back problems if you can - or any problem for that matter.

If your family doc wants to send you to a surgeon, ask him about a physiatrist (non-surgical physical and rehab med specialist) or some kind of sports medicine non-surgical specialist. Even if you end up needing surgery, the extra office visit is well worth it.

If you have back problem, you might consider finding a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). The people with DO degrees are eligible for any residency program that an MD is, but their training also includes ostepathic manipulations. The DO training also has a little less of the truly evil social/psychological/political indoctrination that MDs recieve.

For back problems the physical rehabilitation is likely to be as improtant, if not more so, than the actual surgical repair. Attention to that is likely to be slighted by surgeons.

2010-06-28 16:58:58

I had the unfortunate experience of going to chiropractors because of neck pains. Often a major injury improves over time.I have 2 friends who had major back injuries, getting better by going to professional massage therapists and swear by them over orthopedic surgeons!! To call chiropactors doctors are a joke!! They're as much doctors as massage therapists.I'll go to a massage therapist or even a chiro for minor injuries, but for a major injury I'm going to an internest or orthopedic doctor.I'm speaking from personal experience!!

2010-06-28 17:02:17

Chiropractors are actually doctors in that an accredited chiropractic program is a graduate program like any other Doctorate program. To equate them with massage therapy is kinda silly.. 6+ years of school + internships, etc, while not the 10+ that most medical doctors go through, is a lot more than than the longest massage therapy degree I can find which is an associates.

Are chiropractors right for every situation, no, but they are good for chronic recurring issues that are not severe enough for surgery.

2010-06-28 17:27:23

Wrong Netvin!!! It only takes 4 years of post high schooing to become Chiropactors.I don't even think you have to go to college, and can get your degree from a technical school to become a chiropactor.It takes No more schooling than it takes to become physical therapists. Gee,maybe we should call physical therapists doctors also.

2010-06-28 17:42:34

This thread is pretty far derailed, but in any case, from Wikipedia:

The United States Department of Education currently states:

Chiropractic--Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C. or B.Chiro or M.Chiro), a curriculum divided into "straight" or "progressive" chiropractic depending upon the philosophy of the institution, generally requiring 4 academic years of full-time study after 2-4 years or more of study at the associate or bachelor's degree level.

I think with any profession, you have good ones and bad ones. Maybe the ratio is a little larger for chiropractic medicine.

2010-06-28 17:55:13

*attempts to re-rail thread*

If Mike Pintek sees a chiropractor, I wonder if it is the same one that ewjme sees. If so, whose view of cyclists came first, the D.C.'s or the D.J.'s?

Expanding that thought just a bit, if I am making sure everyone I talk to understands the cyclist's POV, it only takes one 50-kilowatt blowhard two minutes to negate a year's conversations. And that just plain sucks.

2010-06-28 19:03:37

yeah, whatever happened to the rebuttle shows that were supposed to happen - did anybody ever go on and make sense at that noisemaker or what?

2010-06-28 19:09:13

Scott went on Friday but I don't think they posted the MP3. To be fair he was pretty fair when crazy people called in, but he also probably put on the crazy people to cause conflict.

2010-06-28 19:12:51