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Lawrenceville Bike/Ped Committee

In case anyone didn't see it on the blog or facebook, there's a meeting tomorrow of the Lawrenceville Bike and Pedestrian Committee, at 6:00 at the Bike PGH office. This is recently formed group with the goal of developing bike/ped priorities for Lawrenceville to inform our city reps as they make infrastructure and planning decisions. http://localhost/2014/03/31/join-the-lawrenceville-bicycle-pedestrian-advisory-committee-at-their-first-community-meeting/
2014-04-02 08:11:58
Thanks to bike-pgh for hosting. I'll try and show up at the right time next meeting :)
2014-04-04 09:03:53
Curious, what other bike-ped neighborhood groups are there? I've heard about a north side, oakland, and a south side/hills based one maybe?
2014-04-04 09:05:22
Ben, I can confirm that there are active bike/ped neighborhood groups active in the North Side, and one in the South Hills communities. Oakland may also have one, but I am not personally involved with that one. There is also a group in the East End/East Suburban communities that is working to get off the ground. On the suburban side, I think I heard that Moon Township was trying to pull one together (or recently had) and know that a ped/bike committee will be kicked off in Westmoreland County in a few weeks. Cranberry also has one, although I am not certain how active it is at present. I think I remember that Butler was also forming one. Anyone else know of others?
2014-04-04 09:54:57
mboyd here is the contact for the East Suburbs association, BTW. He has good contacts in the various governments out here, and there is some receptivity to fixing the non-existent bike (and mostly pedestrian) infrastructure. So it's a good thing to get involved with if it concerns you.
2014-04-04 10:53:05
Bump. Lawrenceville Bike-Ped Committee Meeting Tonight @ 6:30pm at bike-pgh offices.
2014-06-05 10:27:14