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I have a set of those silicon wraparound LED lights on my bike and would obviously like to augment them with something additional, for front and back... I am working on the cheap here (helloooo, Kraynicks!) so I'm not looking for the gadgetiest of the gadgets here, just bright. Suggestions?

I'm also considering some of those valve stem lights (such as you may see on a teenager's tricked out Civic or Accord) for additional visibility/raveness... is that a good or bad idea, to turn one's wheels into big light rings? I figure the more visible, the better... but I don't want it to backfire and disorient someone into running into me... perhaps the greater risk is getting even more catcalls from the denizens of Highland Park/East Lib as would happen all the time when I'd ride with battery-powered xmas lights...

2010-04-10 15:27:29

Valve lights are a good idea-- no worse of an idea than wheel reflectors, required on new bikes by law.

Free Ride has decent lights at decent prices locally.

If you want really inexpensive and don't mind waiting for shipping from China, here

2010-04-10 18:11:34

I have a feeling you meant to link to Deal Extreme

2010-04-12 17:40:59