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March Pittsburgh Bike Party- Flock Of Cycles

It's that time again for the Flock of Cycles Pittsburgh Bike Party. Friday March 15th Meet at 5:30PM @ Dippy. --What is a Bike Party?-- A Bike Party is a welcoming, family-friendly, all-inclusive, FREE event consisting of a leisurely-paced bicycle ride (complete with music and mechanical support) and ending with a post-ride party. The group pedals through the city at a slow, welcoming pace appropriate for riders of all ages and capabilities. You get a chance to make new friends, learn new routes, and have fun on your bike! --Where?-- We'll meet at Dippy the Dino (on Forbes Ave in Oakland, in front of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, across from the Cathedral of Learning). --When?-- We'll meet at 5:30pm and leave at 6pm. (Won't be off work in time for the 6pm departure? We'll post the route later so that you can catch up with us along the way.) --How long is the ride?-- Around 8-10 miles. --What's the route?-- --Where does the ride end?-- This ride will end at OTB ( --What should I bring?-- Helmets and lights. And a bike to put those lights on. And all your friends! --What happens in the case of rain/snow/zombie apocalypse?-- On the afternoon of the ride, we'll decide whether conditions are safe enough to ride. Look for updates here, on Twitter, and on our website a couple of hours before the start of the ride if things are looking sketchy.
2013-03-11 19:19:47
So who is coming?
2013-03-11 19:20:37
well, i guess i am going to show, especially since i volunteered to pull the trailer.
2013-03-11 21:19:46
I've never been to a Flock. I may try to go to this one. Some convincing from you guys wouldn't hurt =P
2013-03-14 17:12:27
How's this, due to an accident of epic proportions, I can make it to this flock. Brybot, I'll go if you go! (I'll still go even if you don't).
2013-03-14 17:20:25
go go go go go (brybot but also everyone) because... what else are you going to do on a friday night that could possibly beat riding bikes with a whole bunch of awesome people and then drinking beer with said bunch of awesome people afterwards? duh.
2013-03-14 18:41:23
I'll be there! (But probably cut out before the end).
2013-03-14 18:56:48
The fatguy on the orange bike will be showing up. looking for interesting people or people with interesting stories for a blog project im thinking about. Video for my site and I hope something people here can get excited about. when I get it a little more fleshed out I will let you know. but very excited to get out and see everyone tomorrow.
2013-03-14 19:02:05
I am excited about this ride, mostly because I miss seeing all of you.
2013-03-14 20:52:56
And bonus, Mr.Marv will be enjoying this ride with reckless abandon as he is not pulling the music trailer. So if anything, it will be worth it just to see him have fun riding his bike. (However, due to circumstances beyond his control, there will be no Ke$ha or Nickleback played this Friday.)
2013-03-14 21:11:57
Boooo I love Nickleback and Ke$ha
2013-03-14 21:18:54
hmm, what was that I recall about "if you don't like the music, then you pull the trailer"......... something along those lines i believe.
2013-03-14 21:51:16
Well played pbeaves, well played.
2013-03-15 05:22:02
Never made it to a party ride, and won't be making it out this time due to a concert. Hoping to make the next one!
2013-03-15 07:10:30
I'll be there :)
2013-03-15 08:40:12
2013-03-15 09:34:31
I'll be there with one or two out-of-towners.
2013-03-15 09:45:38
I'm gonna be out on-the-field all afternoon at site/job meeting and won't be back in-town in-time for ride :( I miss everyone but see you on next Flock Ride. Also, March 23th I'm doing the 'Viking Ride - welcome spring" w/potluck, on a saturday, so if people want to come out for that maybe I'll see you sooner :)
2013-03-15 10:04:21
It's almost time! Please join us for some fu-un.
2013-03-15 15:19:43
... or not. :( other things came up; someday, I swear.
2013-03-15 20:09:59
could these rides be more fun w/o becoming illegal? i'm not sure. #checkeredpast
2013-03-16 01:28:58
It's amazing how much fun these rides are. Meeting and riding with great people, I had great time. I love the cycling community.
2013-03-16 03:39:41
Pretty nice crowd for a lessthangreat day!
2013-03-16 10:02:27
We were fortunate the weather held out, gotta love when the skies cooperate.
2013-03-16 11:08:37
Last year a few parents with kids on trail-a-bikes showed up: hopefully that will happen again as the weather warms up. Thanks to the organizers for keeping this ride going!
2013-03-16 16:59:15