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May Midnight Flock this Friday 5/6

Facebook Event

Stay out past your bed time and ride!

Midnight Flock is a Flock of Cycles group bicycle ride in Pittsburgh, PA that meets at 11:59pm (not 11:30) on the first Friday of the month at Dippy by the Carnegie Library on Forbes Ave.

The pace is significantly faster than the other Flock of Cycles rides, but no one gets left behind. If you hate hills, this is may not be the ride for you.

We usually ride 15-30 miles depending on the night, with the group slowly dropping off around 1:30-3a.

This ride stops at red lights and acts courteously to all traffic (motor vehicles and pedestrians included).

2011-05-03 19:37:38

This will be shortly after Penn unblurred, so for the perfect friday night, wander down Penn, check out all of the galleries (and free beer at Tee-Rex across from the glass lofts) then head over to dippy for a sweet ride!

2011-05-04 20:14:35