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I hear that at mile 38 of the Montour trail, will be a new extension of the trail that will cut out the present detour on Triphammer/Piney Fork Roads.Does anyone have a timeline on when this project is supposed to be completed??It will be a welcome site when finished because it will cut out the 2 killer hills.

2010-11-20 20:31:18

The most recent news I've heard is this writeup from the May/June 2010 Montour Trail Newsletter, available on their website:

So will trail users soon be whizzing along on new trail east of Triphammer Road? Well, not quite. The Piney Fork Bridge is just the first of several challenges which must be met to add 0.7 mile of trail to the Montour just east of Triphammer Road. We still have the challenge of placing 8,000 yards of fill material to build a ramp from Triphammer Road to the bridge, the construction of wing walls at the bridge, repair of stream erosion a tenth of a mile downstream of the bridge, the excavation of a cut from the original railroad surface to Piney Fork Road and finally the (relatively) easy job of actually constructing 0.7 mile of trail surface. We have a $221,500 50/50 grant from DCNR for the project which means we have to match the grant funding dollar for dollar with cash or in-kind services. However, in order to completely fund this effort, the Montour Trail Council will need immense amounts of volunteer labor, some of its own hard to come by cash and hopefully, grant money from other, as yet unspecified, sources.

In the meantime, the Piney Fork Bridge will stand unused., However we do make a promise, that although it may take a while, the Montour Trail Council will persist and eventually the Trail in the South Hills will be connected to the rest of the Montour. For more on this major news, see the Prez Sez column.

2010-11-20 22:36:18

What Steven says: "..."

What Jim hears: "Montour trail" ... "fill material" ... "immense amounts of volunteer" ...

I have a lot of rocks in my backyard that I volunteer to dump for the good of the Montour trail :-)

2010-11-20 23:58:07
Via Steel Valley Trail's Facebook page: The Montour will be closed at Mile 39.05 (just east of the relatively new bridge mentioned upthread) for most of the Spring due to PennDOT working on a bridge on Piney Fork Road. A detour had not been posted as of last week, but is expected to be up soon. Effective today, because that's how we roll around here....
2016-04-25 07:41:26
It's kinda of shitty detour for a lot of travelers... Single Track-Riggs has a real nice climb (IIRC, my Garmin showed 16%) with real nice descent Riggs-Snowden/Cochran Mill. At this moment Snowden again converts to ascent. So detour itself does not have those gradients but still...
2016-04-25 11:45:44