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More fun than the census!

It seems that in a few different threads here people have been talking about the amount of cyclists that they see on their ride to/ from work or whatever and whether they are wearing a helmet or not, etc. I thought it may be interesteing if we reported back what we saw on our daily comutes rides, etc. and post back.

some possible points of interest: male/ female riders, type of bike, clothing/ gear, helmet use, lights after dark...any others?

2010-04-21 17:55:10

Funny enough and a bit unrelated, I've been trying to keep a running total of buses with and without bike racks. Stuart informed us on an earlier post that about 600 of the fleet of about 800 have racks. I've been quite skeptical of those numbers as it seems to me only about half of them have them. I started counting yesterday and so far I've noted 5 of 7 with racks... so maybe I'm just a bit loopy in my perceptions.

2010-04-21 18:38:15

shouldn't we be paying attention to the road instead? ;)

2010-04-21 18:40:16

shouldn't we be paying attention to the road instead? ;)

And here's me thinking that we need a little Web app so those of us with smartphones can log the bike census data in real time...

2010-04-21 18:54:16

Oh on a similar note, is that "iBurgh" smartphone app still as good as a 311 web form? I'd be all over taking photos of potholes and sending that in. Surely a picture is worth a thousand words in this case.

2010-04-21 18:59:00

A good problem - I am now seeing enough riders that I would not be able to mentally track the different criteria.

Plus I would need to take my hands and feet off the bike to count people.

2010-04-21 18:59:43

on my ride home last night from stanton and negley to harmarville via the hpb and freeport road (about 10 miles and 40 minutes door to door) I saw 7 cyclists, a bit more than usual. All were male and 4 of the 7 were wearing helmets.

my guess would be that 2-3 were commuting, 2-3 were on training rides, and 3 were "other?"

The 3 "other"s were riding what seemed tobe mountain bikes or hybrids.

I think everyone else was riding road bikes, except for one guy who looked to be riding a 29er.

2010-04-22 11:31:59

@edmonds I am thrilled to know that you need your fingers AND your toes to count all the cyclists you'd encounter in your regular ride. That's a far cry from when there were NO other cyclists on the road!

2010-04-22 13:23:16

Taking off your shoes to finish counting can be awkward.

2010-04-22 16:01:45

Port Authority just posted a message this morning:

Approximately 600 out of 861 buses are equipped with bike racks and Port Authority continues to pursue funding to meet its goal of having a 100-percent bike-friendly fleet.

I have a list of buses that don't. What I don't have is specifics as to when they're going to get some $$ for more racks.

2010-04-22 16:06:17

Bad news if I have to count to 21. :o

2010-04-22 16:12:59

Come on now. Binary representation. You can count to 1023 on two hands.

2010-04-22 16:23:23

Lunch time today, downtown, between 12 and 1, saw probably 30 people on bikes, maybe 3 helmets. That's a really rough count (except the 3), I didn't remove any articles to count.

I may have counted the "NEED TICKETS" (Pirates) guy twice, he was all over the place.

2010-04-22 17:57:04

There was a late summer day a year or two ago that for some reason I decided to count cyclists on my commute home. Between North Shore and Squirrel Hill via Jail Trail and Schenley Park, I saw .............................................61 people either riding, going ot ride, or just finished. I was impressed.

2010-04-22 18:26:48

Last Saturday afternoon I saw a guy on a bike riding with a flat tire on the right shoulder of the outbound side of the Veteran's Bridge. No helmet.

So Veteran's Bridge, Outbound, Saturday Afternoon: 1 cyclist.

2010-04-22 20:35:45

Taking off your shoes to finish counting can be awkward.

Those freshman chemistry exams were just hell on me. Hell, I tell you.

2010-04-22 20:44:36

Men 8 with 10 without

Women 3 with 0 without

Today's 6pm helmet gender tally from hot metal bridge to station square.

2010-04-23 22:30:46

Helmet-less college age sidewalk rider heading down Negley towards Penn this am, almost gets hit by a car coming down Broad St.

Me: "It's safer to ride on the road..."

Him: "FUCK YOU!"

Wasn't really expecting that response :)

2010-04-26 16:44:52

cars poking out of broad st are my nemesis.

2010-04-26 16:55:07

@dmtroyer-- me, too.

new poll?

number of people who cut you off or left-cross in front of you (etc.), who you then realize were talking on their cell phones.

2010-05-15 04:23:38