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Need help with the English language

After my commute today, I'm left puzzling the following:

Is "ass-hattery" a word?

If so, how is it used? ("I saw much ass-hattery on my commute" or "I witnessed many acts of ass-hattery today.")

What is the plural of "ass-hattery"?

Do Port Authority drivers have to carry an "ass-hattery" license?

Any language experts willing to help?

2012-08-16 22:31:13


1. The act of acting similar to or completely like an asshat.

2. Similar to or completely like "foolishness".

1. "What you are doing here is, frankly, good sir, complete asshattery."

2. "Stop this asshattery at once!"

2012-08-16 22:34:23

yes, it is real.

generally used as a verb.

(d'oh, skunked by 45 seconds.)

2012-08-16 22:34:54

is the plural "asses-hattery" like "attorneys general" or "passersby"?

2012-08-16 22:51:52

it's mass, not count. doesn't have a [morphologically distinguished] plural.

(I knew that linguistics degree was gonna come in handy someday...)

2012-08-16 22:55:14

Here are my candidates, all from today:

1) The guy who ran the "No Turn On Red" at Scott & Washington Roads, without even slowing down.

2) The guy behind me at the same intersection who leaned on the horn because I didn't pull away from the light quickly enough to get creamed.

3) The guy who almost drifted into my rear wheel on West Liberty Avenue...because he was reading a book on his steering wheel while driving.

4) The guy who came flying up behind me on Washington Road, while I was pulling away from the light, and looked up from his lap just in time to see me hop the curb to get out of his way (after I saw him in my mirror)

All four from today...I may design some miniature version of those things they give you in the hospital to put in the toilet when they need to collect. I've always called those "ass-hats" and I think giving them to motorists as an award would be fun.

2012-08-16 22:56:58

PS. Number 4 added the obligatory finger out the sunroof after he passed me.

2012-08-16 22:58:22

Sounds like #4 was an ass-hatist. Someone who practices the acts of ass-hattery.

2012-08-17 11:27:09

Wow. That's rough. Wish you had a helmet cam so you could share it with the dude who commented on the post gazette story who thought that distracted driving wasn't an issue,

2012-08-17 11:49:01

I had my helmet cam running, but the bracket slipped back a bit on my helmet, leaving it pointing up. I have footage of the upper half of cars, and the sky. Neither of the two distracted drivers would have shown on my footage anyway, since they both came from behind.

2012-08-17 13:20:10

Well, is it time to have two cameras? :)

2012-08-17 16:31:44

ass-hattery = shenanigans. Those who commit ass-hattery, I've always referred to as ass-hats (as opposed to the more complicated, ass-hattists)

A friend and I once devised a system where all current forms of taxation were repealed and in place was The Ass Hat Tax, which was levied by one's peers and society. It involved a lot of nanny cams and potentially barcode tattoos for identifying people, but when it's transparent (and you can levy it back if the original levy-ee was an ass hat for inducing it in the first place) it should settle out in the end. Every instance of ass-hattery was $5.

(buffalo buffalo's post in laymans terms, I believe, means it's like "fish" one fish, a hundred fish)

Of course, if one wanted to be proper, perhaps one would use the phrase Ass Millinery instead.

2012-08-17 16:49:10

the alternate definition for asshat is 'what a shithead wears'

2012-08-17 18:34:52

I think it's something along the lines of "people who don't use, use misleading or inaccurate subject lines"


Sorry to hear you had a frustrating commute

Fingers crossed the ride home from work isn't

2012-08-17 18:38:02

> (buffalo buffalo's post in laymans terms, I believe, means it's like "fish" one fish, a hundred fish)

Not quite. It's more like "water". You can have "some water", but you can't have "two waters".

(you can ask your waiter for "two waters", but what they'll bring you is two glasses of water....)

2012-08-17 20:56:54

time flies like a bicycle; fruit flies like a banana

2012-08-17 21:30:08