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nice temporary trail

They've built a nice temporary trail near Millvale from the 40th street bridge to the 31 St bridge. I think its stone covered, I couldn't really tell because its still snow covered but its much nicer than the old road in that section. Trail riders might want to check it out !

2010-01-29 14:13:06

Are you referring to the strip district side or the North Shore side??? There's already a completed trail on the North Shore of Millvale under the 40 th street bridge unless they made some major changes there.

2010-01-29 14:41:17

Sorry, the North Shore trail. They've made major changes since the last time I rode it before the December snow storms. Its related to the elevated trail ("one long bridge along the river bank" ) they are making there. see link below:

It looks like while they are working on that, they made this nice temporary trail. Theres a chain link fence between the temp trail and the rail line and a smaller fence seperating the temp trail from the old road. I'm thinking the temp trail might even be sitting where the rail line is eventually going to be, though the rail line might be all the way over to where the old road is.

I think the temp trail only opened in the last two weeks or so, because I did ride thru there once after the Dec storms and it wasn't there then.

2010-01-29 15:02:38