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Oakland Bike Thief


This is only speculation and assumption, but I thought I would post to see if I am the only one who notices.

So, I have worked in Oakland (Lower campus, i.e. Posvar area) since May of last year. And among the cast of colorful Oakland characters is this guy I call the Bike Thief. This guy, a tall lean African American guy who spends his time around Oakland, usually Forbes and below, always has a bike and more often than not it's different from the one I saw him on last time.

I know that I have seen him on at least four different bikes in the last year and a few months, always riding around real slow, spinning a really high gear, in no particular hurry. Lots of times he'll be outside the Rite Aid opening the door, holding a cup of change or stopping by Crazy Mocha to use the bathroom.


I just saw him this afternoon, this time he's on a lower to mid range Specialized mountain bike (sorry, not the one pictured in the below thread). His last bike, which he had for a while was a Gary Fisher.

Maybe he actually owns these bikes, maybe I am making assumptions wrongly, but the situation just seems hinky to me. The bikes almost never fit him, they are exactly the type of bike that Pitt and CMU students ride to class and fail to lock properly and well he's just had so many of them over such a short period of time.

I dunno', am I profiling or has anyone else noticed this and thought about it for more than a second? Is this guy a serial bike thief, and is there anything to be done about it?

Just thinking aloud, hoping I'm not crazy.

Btw, on his last bike, his way of fixing a flat front was to put a rear wheel from another bike (cassette and all) in the front of the one he was riding.

Come on.
2008-07-25 15:25:41

Ok, so he has another new one. A yellow Cannondale hardtail with a headshock. Anyone missing a bike?

2008-09-23 17:00:26