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Oakmont, Freeport Rd and ARB

So on my longer recreational rides the past couple of weeks I've had the desire for some gravel and found myself going north north east, through Fox Chapel, up to Deer Lakes Park, etc. Inevitably, I find myself, even for a short time, on Freeport Rd or Allegheny River Boulevard on the way home. Kind of a toss up, what do you consider safer? Traffic seems to be slower on ARB but in closer proximity while the extra lanes of Freeport seem safer but there is always someone who passes within 1-2 feet despite this.

Also, I rode the little path through Oakmont beside ARB. Towards the end an old lady wagged her bony finger at me and croaked that bikes weren't allowed. Seriously!?!?

2010-04-12 03:15:08

I ride both, a lot.

Outbound it's probably a tossup--althought there is far more likely to be ice on ARB in the winter on the outbound side. (Not a consideration for now, but ...) You will have more cars passing you at higher speeds and closer to you on ARB than Freeport I think, until you get out where Freeport is wider.

Inbound I would say that I feel Freeport is safer between the Hulton Bridge and Fox Chapel Rd, but then ARB is better inbound from that point to the Highland Park Bridge-and obviously you have to commit to one or the other at the Hulton Bridge. The traffic is closer to you on ARB and I have to say I don't find it all that much slower, but inbound you don't have cars darting in and out of parking lots and streets etc. by the Waterworks and through Aspinwall on Freeport.

I don't know about the trail in Oakmont, but we always swing across the tracks onto Allegheny Ave even if our destination is up Hulton Road. More room and better road surface.

2010-04-12 13:07:53

I like the cobblestone streets in Aspinwall versus Freeport. Inbound turn right at Delafield then go a few blocks and turn left at the first cobblestone street. You can work your way almost to the Highland Park bridge where Trizilla used to be. Short but sweet,

2010-04-12 13:40:02

Yes, the Arboretum Trail in Oakmont is for pedestrians only. I don't know why, it just is.

2010-04-12 13:57:01

I prefer Fox Chapel Rd, barely. I don't like the section from blawnox to the hulton bridge, but the Fox Chapel Rd to the HP Bridge part isn't so bad. Speeds are lower, visibility is good, it's downhill. Might be a time of day thing, I usually ride that bit during rush hour when the speeds are lowest of all. People outdrive their sight lines on ARB.

2010-04-12 14:58:15