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October Moonlight Ride (Already??) October 1st, 11:45pm, Friendship Park

Labor day threw things off - This ride will be on the first Monday night of the month, when possible from here on out.

A swift autumn ride around the city at night. This ride is definitely no-drops, but has a little bit faster pace than some of the more family friendly rides.

This happens on a Monday because there's minimal traffic that night of the week, and because I can't make any other night of the week :)

We'll meet at 11:45pm, and leave at 12:15 am from Friendship park.

Helmets encouraged

Lights are MANDATORY

Smiles required

Healthy appetite recommended

Stop at red lights/stop signs

If the group gets cut in half by a red light, we'll pull over and stop to wait for everyone else

Use turn signals

Stay in the correct lane (right most of the time, sometimes the center lane, sometimes left if there's a turn)

If it's safe to let cars pass, let them.

If it's not safe to let cars pass, don't let them.

We end at Ritter's diner in Bloomfield. They're cash-only. There's an ATM, but it costs $2.50 to use it.

Route will be posted on the Facebook page.

2012-09-20 02:00:53

if i make this one, im definatley wearing sleeves. yeah, sleeves would be good.

2012-09-20 13:15:16

How long do these rides last? Does a diner mean breakfast?

2012-09-20 16:08:56

Last time, we started the ride at 12:15, and got to Ritter's at about 3. I always plan for a break in a common area such as the point or schenley plaza about halfway through the ride, so that people can hydrate, rest, adjust things on their bikes, etc. That break will typically last 5-10 minutes, depending on what people want.

My target demographic for these rides are people with odd schedules, such as those who work in restaurants, or bakeries, or just anyone who wants to go on a late ride before work in the morning.

2012-09-20 21:10:25

Woah dudes, this is coming up on Monday!


2012-09-25 15:08:32

They are calling for rain tonight :(

2012-10-01 13:14:39

yeah, if it's raining at 11, I'm gonna cancel.

2012-10-01 20:01:26

while i had a blast the last time (minus the cold arms), i havent gotten enough sleep lately to make it to this ride tonight. (hardly had time for a 45 min nap at work today.

and its also going to be rainy... booo.

2012-10-01 20:18:49

Ugh, i wish these weren't Mondays.I work 3rd shift Mon. and Tuesdays. :(

2012-10-01 20:20:54

itd be fun to ride around under the glow of the just-past-full moon tonight... but only if its not raining

2012-10-01 21:42:55

i most definitely should not come to this since i need to be functional tomorrow from bright-and-early until ??? to draft the experimental design for my thesis (yes, be jealous of my thrilling life). but if you guys don't get rained out, i miiiight still show up and just skip the ritters part so i can go to bed. hmmm.

2012-10-02 00:09:50

Unless I fall asleep,i will be there (if it isn't cancelled). I am cranky when I don't get a ride in. I only need to be functional for about 4 hours tomorrow.

2012-10-02 00:48:17

I actually remembered to charge my helmet lights for once, so I'm hoping I don't have to reschedule. We'll see.

2012-10-02 01:08:49

yeah, i have been cranky the past couple of weeks because i haven't been on my bike enough. i actually got restless enough that i went for a run (ew) last night. clearly i need to ride every chance i get.

2012-10-02 01:17:00



2012-10-02 01:49:54

I thought about running also but I remember how slow it is compared to riding. I also don't feel like having painful feet again.

So far it isn't raining...

2012-10-02 02:44:13

looks pretty dry to me. i think randy and i are gonna do it.

2012-10-02 02:48:54

yeah, i'm still awake but not accomplishing anything productive other than eating cheddar bunnies. and is just showing me a bunch of poofy cloud icons — dry ones. i'll be there.

2012-10-02 02:55:32

Ill be there just getting off work now

2012-10-02 03:21:27

I'm lazy. I still gotta get dressed. I'll definitely be there by the 12:15 departure though.

2012-10-02 03:36:09

Just got home - We were pretty fast! (compared to last time)

According to the map, we did 12.9 miles, in 2 hours.

Time for bed, hope everyone gets enough rest (or caffeine) before work!

2012-10-02 06:56:22

Thanks for leading. Had a wonderful time. Ritter's revenge is happening to my GI system right now. I made a huge mistake eating their food. Too tired to care too much though. Worth it!

2012-10-02 13:17:10

i actually got restless enough that i went for a run (ew) last night.

whatever you do, don't start swimming. you don't want to be like one of them.

2012-10-02 13:53:10

triathlete: someone who's mediocre at three sports.

2012-10-02 14:06:00

triathlete: someone who's mediocre at three sports, but complains at an Olympic level.

2012-10-02 16:12:24

no worries of that. i am decidedly a land mammal. water sucks. i *can* swim, but i consider that more of a survival skill than a recreational activity

2012-10-02 16:14:07

You could always be a biathlete. Wink wink.

2012-10-02 16:40:02


Try the veal, don't forget to tip your waitress.


2012-10-02 16:56:46

I tried being an athelete once, too much effort.

That's why I like riding the bike, i get to sit down yet still go places.

2012-10-02 16:58:08

HiddenVAriable don't start swimming. you don't want to be like one of them.


I started swimming decades ago and now?

WTF? I'm middle aged.

How did THAT happen? Not while I was on my bike, that's for sure.

2012-10-02 16:59:32


good times!

2012-10-02 21:40:52

It sounds like I missed a good ride. That's what I get for trusting the weather guessers. DAMN YOU Joe DiNardo replacements!

2012-10-02 23:59:59