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Off-road biking, so to speak

2012-10-09 15:13:40

holy crapola

2012-10-09 15:59:41

Cool! Now let's see it done on a 'bent.

2012-10-09 16:04:24

That's ridiculous. At times when I slowly hop up onto a curb or split second reaction-bunny hop a pot hole at 30mph I just imagine my fork cracking in the process.

2012-10-09 16:10:42

That is awesome. See, you can have as much fun on a road bike as you can a bike with fatter tires!

2012-10-09 16:45:25

wow wow wow. that just made my day thanks for sharing!

2012-10-09 16:49:16

because the world is awesome, "Martyn Ashton" is now trending on twitter.

2012-10-09 17:33:00

Attn: mr marv. #martyn Ashton

2012-10-09 18:34:36

stef, don't encourage him.

2012-10-09 18:54:06

Nice. They going to honor the warranty on those frames?

2012-10-09 18:59:20

This video was possibly shared here before, but goes along nicely with Martyn Ashton's

2012-10-09 19:03:27

the first drop cracks me up every time.

2012-10-09 19:04:16

Carbon fiber is pretty strong. I thought they use them on downhill bikes now if I am not mistaken.

2012-10-09 19:09:26

Heh, he put his saddle real low. :)

2012-10-09 19:11:22

road bikes CAN be fun. when you dont ride them like road bikes!

carbon is highly adaptable and can be engineered to be incredibly strong or incredibly light. my downhill bike isn't much lighter than an alloy frame but is MUCH stronger, this bike isnt designed that way. what you aren't seeing is the outtakes where he didn't land just right, or the wheel finally gave out or any number of other things that could have gone wrong. i used to ride my road bike down stairs and hit small drops on it all the time. until a friend with the same bike (and about 30 lbs less body weight) who did the same sort of thing had his downtube shear laterally while going over a small curb one day.

they do make 700c bikes for doing this sort of thing though, fixed freestyle is generally what you'll find them listed under, and of course there IS an entire class of 700c bikes that you can do all sorts of fun stuff on without fear of breakage. 29ers.

i would be very interested to see what the condition of the bike was after the end of the shoot, how many wheels they went through and what the actual parts build was (i suspect a lot of cx stuff is hidden in there for strength).

2012-10-09 20:19:43

I didn't see a disclaimer at the end "no wheels were damaged in the making of this video."

I can't imagine race wheels holding up to that sort of abuse, am I wrong?

That was fun, thanks for sharing!

2012-10-09 22:34:20

Dude looked pretty smooth.

2012-10-09 23:53:00

geez that guy is good

2012-10-10 02:08:31

Dude looked pretty smooth.

Minus the calf grease. :)

2012-10-10 02:57:35

WD40!!!!! discuss.

(kidding - that was an awesome video!)

2012-10-10 07:55:31

Yeah, pseudacris, I noticed that, too. Watch where you're spraying the wd40, ladies.

2012-10-10 08:30:13

I think that I saw that WD40 is coming out with a line of bike specific products this year...maybe that was meant to advertise the new stuff coming.

2012-10-11 12:12:33

Another shot not shown is *after* he descends very slowly by the lake.

But yeah, this guy knows what he's doing.

2012-10-11 16:51:25


2012-10-12 20:36:12

@dmtroyer: your followup video made me bust a seam!

2012-10-14 14:57:10