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"Optional" Bike lane??

East Street in front of St. Boniface church recently was redone and bike lanes were installed after the resurfacing was completed. Last week, I noticed that the street was lined with cars when people were at the church for mass. I sort of freaked out and went on a bit of a rant at some people, and was told that the city said parking along the road during mass was OK. Later on, I drove by there and sure enough, the bike lane marking switch from solid lines to dashed lines in front of the church. I was cranky about it all at first, but the more I thought about it, I don't mind it. Is it really so bad to have some planned compromising that lets little old people park in front of their church without a bunch of hassle? Anyway, I never saw dashed bike lanes before...wondering if this is a common thing.
2015-12-12 10:18:10
This must be the War on Religion I hear so much about.
2015-12-12 16:17:29
If they allow people to park there during mass, I bet they'll start parking there at other times, also.
2015-12-13 21:08:21
There's dashed lines in the Penn Ave bike lane where the theater parks their trailers.
2015-12-13 22:12:08
That type of bike lane is the first in Pittsburgh. Check out the article below concerning the arrangement made with the church: It was also mentioned in an email newsletter sent out by BikePGH a couple months back HERE.
2015-12-14 00:21:06
Seems to me that any "optional" (as in, they take it away from us when they really want) bike lanes, at the very least, need to also have sharrows right next to them. Img tag isn't embedding, not even the "Help with tags" example, so just pasting a link. Pope (clear from the hat) on a bike:
2015-12-14 08:36:35
Share the road...
2015-12-17 08:42:40