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Pedal Pittsburgh changes this year?

So Pedal Pittsburgh won't be in May & will be car-free from what I just read on this website. Wonder why its changing? In the past few years its seems to have been very well attended by cyclists.

2012-02-17 21:09:04


Thanks for the post. You're right that Pedal Pittsburgh has been well attended in the past. There were 2,700 riders last year at the event.

Here at BikePGH we have 1700 members and have a growing voice to encourage change to the infrastructure to make it safer to ride bikes in the city. We need more voices to advocate for this change. One good way to create more advocates is to recreate Pedal Pittsburgh into an event that will attract more riders. NYC, Philly, Chicago, and Washington DC have been successful by closing roads to car traffic for their events. We'd plan to do the same thing and grow the event to see 20,000 people on bikes riding through the city.

But, it's very intensive on city services to host car free events (police, Dept. Of Public Works, etc) and it would be very difficult to host the Marathon and PedalPGH in the same month. (also, PedalPGH has been plagued by cold rain and snow in the recent past). So, we thought the summer would be a great time host the event.....we're trying to tie it into BikeFest. Feel free to contact me directly at

2012-02-17 21:35:42

oh the first year i did pedal pittsburgh, i was not dressed accordingly and it rained and it was cold. after friends i was riding with got flats in the strip, we just went back to the south side. while it may be hot in august, it doesn't sound like all of the climbing is going to happen. i am not sad to see it changed to a later date. can't wait for this! and thanks to seth and everyone else at bike-pgh for working on this. it is gonna be awesome!

2012-02-18 19:51:28

also, when is bikefest this year? trying to plan a family vacation in august.

2012-02-18 19:54:21


We're planning to have the Bikefest Party on August 10th and then roll on from there. Also, PedalPGH may land on August 5th, but that is not yet set in stone.

2012-02-21 16:43:26


We're planning to have the Bikefest Party on August 10th and then roll on from there. Also, PedalPGH may land on August 5th, but that is not yet set in stone.

2012-02-21 16:43:50


2012-02-21 22:35:24