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PedalPGH detail routes

Does anyone have (or could someone generate) a more detailed map of the pedalPGH routes? Preferably these would be public routes or segments on strava. Looking at the route map of the PedalPGH webpage my friend and I aren't even sure which direction we start in and we'd like to have a better idea of the hill grades ect. for the 62mile ride. Thanks!
2019-07-18 14:07:14
You might try searching on ridewithgps. I just found this by searching there for keyword "pedalpgh" in Find Routes. It's from BikePGH but it dates from 2017, so the route might be different this year.
2019-07-18 17:37:41
I know the route this year has to change around mile 24 of the above link.  Jack's Run is closed for bridge replacement, I have no idea what the work around will be. Also keep an eye out for the water station at mile 14, I missed it both times I did the route.  Last year they didn't have the water station next to Penn Brewing and because of their reasoning I don't believe they will have the water station this year. (don't work for them and haven't talked to anyone in months, so I could be totally wrong) If you miss mile 14 your next water isn't until Riverview park around mile 28
2019-07-19 08:21:41
Very helpful link @paulheckbert! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the heads up @jstalnaker2112, I think I should be able to figure the work arounds from the map on their website now.
2019-07-19 08:58:38
Yah, searching on Strava should yield numerous riders' past rides, tho it might be skewed toward the longer routes, since those would be the riders more likely to log rides to Strava.
2019-07-19 10:28:51