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Penn Hills To Downtown possible route, looking for thoughts

Reading about the whole PAT thing has gotten me all depressed, when I lived in East Pittsburgh I used to ride my bike to town several times I week. I tried it once when I moved back to Penn Hills and found the 100 yard section of Allegheny River Blvd between washington and Highland park bridge scary enough to make me never want to ride that part again.

I have tried the google maps biking directions and I got this

I am going to give it a try. a couple of the hills are a bit much for me but im willing to bet that after a while of riding them they will get easier.

I was hoping some of you more astute riders out there could offer some suggestions on options or changes to the route that you might think are better.

Since I Dont own a car I am unsure of this route until I try it out. I may wait until the weekend and to a dry run so I can see how long it will take and what the ride is like before I try it at 6 in the morning.

Thanks Guys.

2010-06-14 16:04:05

you should talk to ejwme. she lives out that way and has been scouting and trying out a bunch of routes. you guys could maybe start a nice little group commute from out there!

2010-06-14 16:27:55

I would avoid that route.

I am not sure where you live, and penn hills is huge, as I found out when I decided to ride to the

library on my commuter bike once.

North of that map you will seek Poketa road.

This is a great cycling road.

Mcrgregor --> poketa --> cross verona to 3rd st.

3rd ---> Verona ---> LINCOLN AVE --->

Lilcoln is a bit hillier, but has WAY less

traffic and has a shoulder for most of it. It is

500x better than frankstown or 380 or whatever.

Then you can just take the ELB bike routes to

Penn Circle and follow this map the rest of the

way. (though I would detour around penn ave

through garfield... total door zone and speeding

people on a tight pothole road. I would take

friendship or coral.)

2010-06-14 16:47:35


Actually I live across the street from the library.

Also I will map out that route. I will admit that I was unwilling to ride on frankstown and that itself was the reason that I put this route up to forums. will post a second route once I get it mapped. I will still appreciate the advice.

Hopefully this will be the last summer that I will be the fat guy on the orange bike 8-]


2010-06-14 16:52:46

Yeah that is WAY safer.

Your first turn is into a neighborhood and is all

downhill to the BP where poketa hits the yellow

belt, that intersection is weird.

all downhill again until the stop sign before verona

rd. You can turn right here and avoid a little hill.

it puts you onto verona and you can just turn left

onto poketa before 3rd then at the light...

The only hills inbound are climbing up from verona

on lincoln, then climbing up to the city limit

sign again on lincoln.

2010-06-14 18:45:33

Yep I feel pretty confident about the Penn Hills parts it was the other part I wasnt to sure about. as long as it isnt raining im gonna try it out tomorrow.

2010-06-14 18:58:01

Ok then the hill cut is at the bottom of poketa where the old roller skating rink is on your right. Fork right, then left on verona then right on 3rd. it cuts out the bump on poketa which sucks especially if you actually stop at the 4 way stop

2010-06-14 19:09:28

Uh, I've ridden saltzburg to verona road lots of times, and in rush hours, without issues (but this may be the Boob Factor, I'm convinced I get more leeway than male cyclists). Poketa people FLY down that hill. I've only ridden Frankstown in non-rush hour and had zero problem with it. Lincoln I've done in rush hour and saw maybe 3 cars, but the road is at times a Simulated Moon Surface and I have a mountain bike. Lincoln will also dump you on ELB, which is nicer than Penn (Penn IS scary, in my opinion). I've not ventured farther in (my business ends in shadyside at farthest).

It's funny, I'm WAY more confident on suburban roads than in the city at this point, and am more than a little awed at urban commuters. But that's just me finally converting to being a hick I guess :D

I'd say ALL of that is better than that ARB intersection.

2010-06-14 21:05:57

Yeah, Im find with saltsburg and verona. Im looking forward to lincoln and poketa would be a good downhill in the morning but I dont want to try and tackle riding up it after being at work all day. once I get clost to town im not to worried, I would hope people are more used to seeing people on bikes there than out in the suburbs.

2010-06-14 21:25:12