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PG Editorial on 4ft law

"Pedaling uphill: Law to keep bicyclists safe must be better enforced" Read more: I think this is noteworthy since this opinion is coming from the paper's full editorial board. Hopefully this will carry over into the content of their other cycling related reporting - such as car/bike "accidents"
2013-05-28 08:31:25
I'm happy to see this, people are talking! Which brings to mind another question: What about the comments section below the story? It is interesting to see the idiocy that comes out any time there is a story on bicycles, but is it worth jumping into the commenting fray? I've avoided doing so lately, because I don't think we will change the minds of the comment authors, but do we gain benefit by stating our position in response and sensibly countering the ramblings?
2013-05-28 09:04:25
I think the arguing is probably bad but comments from bike-friendly people are good as it shows that people do support these things.
2013-05-28 09:24:23
Maybe the PG will ask the question "was the motorist following the 4-foot rule" (actually, a law) instead of "was the cyclist wearing a helmet" (not a law) the next time a cyclist is injured or killed by a motorist. I post because, well, who knows, maybe someone will listen. And thinking through the argument helps clarify things in my own head, sometimes.
2013-05-28 10:14:53