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PG: Enforce the bike buffer in Pennsylvania

2013-12-20 01:10:45
commented. nice to see you can leave comments on the PG without involving facebook now.
2013-12-20 03:38:40
Great letter. Mr.Levin Manages to get his point across without sounding whiny or antagonistic. My favorite line from the letter is "When citizens, legislators and police departments agree that a behavior needs to change, they do something about it." Colin posted a great link in his comment: It would be nice to see something like this in Pgh. For that matter, wouldn't undercover cycling cops be an asset overall?
2013-12-20 06:52:20
I've said it before, I'll say it again. I think the enforcement of any traffic laws in Pittsburgh would be a miracle.
2013-12-20 09:51:12
I am really glad I watched the video in Colin's link because the "photo" that starts the video was so odd. It looks very much like they used a photo of a cyclist in a right turn only lane very near the intersection signalling a left turn. There appears to be at least one and perhaps two lanes of cars between him and that left turn. Turns out it was a cop and an unmarked car demonstrating what 3 feet looks like. Described as the length of an arm, and a foot. Interesting photo image tho, for a story on bike safety!
2013-12-20 10:04:04