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Pittsburgh Bike Party (November 2013)

It's time for another Flock of Cycles: Pittsburgh Bike Party. Friday November 15, 2013 at 6:00PM. Come join us for a fantastic evening of cycling fun. Remember helmets and lights are REQUIRED --What is a Bike Party?-- A Bike Party is a welcoming, family-friendly, all-inclusive, FREE event consisting of a leisurely-paced bicycle ride (complete with music and mechanical support) and ending with a post-ride party. The group pedals through the city at a slow, welcoming pace appropriate for riders of all ages and capabilities. You get a chance to make new friends, learn new routes, and have fun on your bike! --Where?-- We'll meet at Dippy the Dino (on Forbes Ave in Oakland, in front of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, across from the Cathedral of Learning). --When?-- We'll meet at 6pm and leave at 6:30pm. --How long is the ride?-- Around 8-10 miles. --What's the route?-- This time, we're going to ride a loop that brings us back to the start @ Dippy / Schenley Plaza. BUT! lots of us will be rolling down the hill to OTB afterwards, so please join us! --What should I bring?-- Helmets. Lights. A bike to put those lights on. And all your friends! --What happens in the case of rain/snow/zombie apocalypse?-- On the afternoon of the ride, we'll decide whether conditions are safe enough to ride. Look for updates here, on Twitter, and on our website a couple of hours before the start of the ride if things are looking sketchy.
2013-11-11 19:17:17
This is tonight. Come and ride with us.
2013-11-15 15:29:12
Such a beautiful day for it too!!! It's my grandmother's birthday, so sadly, I can't participate despite being in the area this time. Have fun and stay safe!
2013-11-15 16:04:34
Aww shucks, route doesn't include squirrel hill. Not that I could ride, but it would be a fun cultural clash, black hats walking, cyclists with music and lights riding. And myself at the center of the vortex, walking to shul, but cheering you on. Especially if you haul the cart up Negley! Have a fun ride tonight guys, beautiful night for it.
2013-11-15 16:28:09
@byogman we have had several rides through Squirrel Hill and we will be riding through there again soon. We could even ride past your home.
2013-11-15 17:14:29